Level Of Service Pedestrian in Makassar to Support Multimodal Transportation

Authors : Muh Kasim Anies; Muhammad Ridha Kasim

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3uV64zm

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6471756

Abstract : Pedestrian is one of the modes that used in the development of multimodal transportation, especially in the movement of passengers to and from the bus stop. Pedestrian performance can also be calculated to evaluate multimodal transportation. The purpose of this study is to calculate pedestrian performance, especially in the area around the bus stop used by passengers in Makassar City. The analytical method used consist o 5 calculations, namely calculating pedestrian flow, calculating pedestrian speed, calculating pedestrian density, calculating pedestrian space and calculating pedestrian service levels. The results showed that performance was still good between A-C at each bus stop.

Keywords : Halte; Multimodal Transportation; Makassar City; Pedestrian.

Pedestrian is one of the modes that used in the development of multimodal transportation, especially in the movement of passengers to and from the bus stop. Pedestrian performance can also be calculated to evaluate multimodal transportation. The purpose of this study is to calculate pedestrian performance, especially in the area around the bus stop used by passengers in Makassar City. The analytical method used consist o 5 calculations, namely calculating pedestrian flow, calculating pedestrian speed, calculating pedestrian density, calculating pedestrian space and calculating pedestrian service levels. The results showed that performance was still good between A-C at each bus stop.

Keywords : Halte; Multimodal Transportation; Makassar City; Pedestrian.

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