Legacies of Colonialism in Africa

Authors : Dr. Prisca A. Gobo

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3gh37P8

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG013

Abstract : There appears to be a general paucity of literature on the legacies of colonialism and the impact on Africa. This informed the decision to examine this colonial legacy which is so deep rooted and enduring. This paper attempts to provide clarity to the narrative of the present state of affairs in Africa in its broadest sense. This research seeks to interpret their experience and guide their actions towards reconciling their dilemmas. The continuity between past and present is often neglected or trivialized with its attendant negative consequences for the development of the African continent. Given these legacies, what are the consequences of this past, how have they changed how we live, who we are and our hope for the future. This paper interrogates the various forces working against development in Africa, their origins and effects and to proffer some solutions. This research is by no means exhaustive but it will provide a starting point for more research. Approaching these issues from a multi-disciplinary context, the paper concludes by exploring new strategies and making useful recommendations towards ensuring a more stable and progressive Africa.

Keywords : Legacies, Colonialism, Africa

There appears to be a general paucity of literature on the legacies of colonialism and the impact on Africa. This informed the decision to examine this colonial legacy which is so deep rooted and enduring. This paper attempts to provide clarity to the narrative of the present state of affairs in Africa in its broadest sense. This research seeks to interpret their experience and guide their actions towards reconciling their dilemmas. The continuity between past and present is often neglected or trivialized with its attendant negative consequences for the development of the African continent. Given these legacies, what are the consequences of this past, how have they changed how we live, who we are and our hope for the future. This paper interrogates the various forces working against development in Africa, their origins and effects and to proffer some solutions. This research is by no means exhaustive but it will provide a starting point for more research. Approaching these issues from a multi-disciplinary context, the paper concludes by exploring new strategies and making useful recommendations towards ensuring a more stable and progressive Africa.

Keywords : Legacies, Colonialism, Africa

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