Knowledge and Practice of Nursing Personnel on COVID-19; ONLINE DESCRIPTIVE STUDY

Authors : Muralidharan S.; Priya Sharma; Sujeeta Malik

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL200

Abstract : Background & objective: The global pandemic always has a huge impact on most countries, but in India, it seems to be worse than most – the crisis is overburdening India’s health care system. COVID-19 is an emerging public health problem which threaten the life of over 2.4 million people in World. [1] The present study aimed to assess knowledge and practice of nursing personnel on COVID -19. Methodology: The descriptive research design was used for this study. Data was collected by using WhatsApp messenger and Facebook messenger among nursing personnel who belong to 18 years of age and above. Result: Of 216 nursing personnel approached, 200 responded. The study results revealed that majority (44.5%) of nursing personnel had average knowledge and 43.5% had good knowledge on COVID-19. Majority 96.5% of nursing personnel had excellent practice toward COVID-19. There was weak correlation between knowledge and practice on COVID-19 as measured by Spearman Rank Correlation test (r = 0.2817). Conclusion & Interpretation: The study concluded that nursing education is suggested to advance knowledge of nursing personnel hence practice can be improved.

Keywords : Knowledge, Practice, Nursing Personnel, COVID-19

Background & objective: The global pandemic always has a huge impact on most countries, but in India, it seems to be worse than most – the crisis is overburdening India’s health care system. COVID-19 is an emerging public health problem which threaten the life of over 2.4 million people in World. [1] The present study aimed to assess knowledge and practice of nursing personnel on COVID -19. Methodology: The descriptive research design was used for this study. Data was collected by using WhatsApp messenger and Facebook messenger among nursing personnel who belong to 18 years of age and above. Result: Of 216 nursing personnel approached, 200 responded. The study results revealed that majority (44.5%) of nursing personnel had average knowledge and 43.5% had good knowledge on COVID-19. Majority 96.5% of nursing personnel had excellent practice toward COVID-19. There was weak correlation between knowledge and practice on COVID-19 as measured by Spearman Rank Correlation test (r = 0.2817). Conclusion & Interpretation: The study concluded that nursing education is suggested to advance knowledge of nursing personnel hence practice can be improved.

Keywords : Knowledge, Practice, Nursing Personnel, COVID-19

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