Kanban System Analysis and Improvement of the Supply Carset in BMW Logistics at Jakarta Plant Using Just in Time (JIT) Method

Authors : Deslisland, Choirul Anwar, Yohanes Bangun Suryono, Citra Puspita Rani

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2GkMlPH

Abstract : Production system Just In Time (JIT) - Just In Time or often abbreviated as JIT is a production system that is used to meet customer needs at the right time in accordance with the amount desired by the customer. The purpose of the Just In Time (JIT) production system is to avoid excess quantity / amount in production (over production), excess inventory (excess Inventory) and also waste in waiting time. Just In Time has also been applied to BMW logistics at PT. Tjahja Sakti Motor (TSM) by means of Inventory Management method, thus the Stock Level or level of inventory of raw materials, supporting materials, components, semi-finished materials (WIP or Work In Progress), and also finished goods will be maintained at the level or the most amount minimum. This can help companies optimize Cash Flow and avoid costs that will occur due to errors in excess of raw materials and finished goods, logistics BMW has implemented the Carset process to overcome the problem. However, in the process of carset in the area of Commissioning and Pack Check, there are still frequent shortage parts and damage parts which are caused by the many processes of handling parts and sequence parts that are not organized. This is an indication of the cause of the still high percentage of damage parts in the provision of the carset. By doing improvements on the Carset process to overcome the problems that occur, namely parts damage, which mean when the process of preparing parts that are not standard or the arrangement of parts has not been arranged (Sequence) according to the arrangement of the use of parts that will be assembled (Assembled) by production operators based on the guidebook production line and every terminal or production post.

Keywords : Kanban, Just in Time, Improvement Supply Carset.

Production system Just In Time (JIT) - Just In Time or often abbreviated as JIT is a production system that is used to meet customer needs at the right time in accordance with the amount desired by the customer. The purpose of the Just In Time (JIT) production system is to avoid excess quantity / amount in production (over production), excess inventory (excess Inventory) and also waste in waiting time. Just In Time has also been applied to BMW logistics at PT. Tjahja Sakti Motor (TSM) by means of Inventory Management method, thus the Stock Level or level of inventory of raw materials, supporting materials, components, semi-finished materials (WIP or Work In Progress), and also finished goods will be maintained at the level or the most amount minimum. This can help companies optimize Cash Flow and avoid costs that will occur due to errors in excess of raw materials and finished goods, logistics BMW has implemented the Carset process to overcome the problem. However, in the process of carset in the area of Commissioning and Pack Check, there are still frequent shortage parts and damage parts which are caused by the many processes of handling parts and sequence parts that are not organized. This is an indication of the cause of the still high percentage of damage parts in the provision of the carset. By doing improvements on the Carset process to overcome the problems that occur, namely parts damage, which mean when the process of preparing parts that are not standard or the arrangement of parts has not been arranged (Sequence) according to the arrangement of the use of parts that will be assembled (Assembled) by production operators based on the guidebook production line and every terminal or production post.

Keywords : Kanban, Just in Time, Improvement Supply Carset.

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