JICA'S Role and Cooperation on Disaster Risk Reduction during and Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Authors : Dyah Vinianti; Endro Legowo; Adi Subiyanto; Pujo Widodo; Herlina Juni Risma Saragih

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3SOYZuH

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7691942

Abstract : - One of the disasters that is still a concern today is COVID-19. One of the countries considered to have high alertness in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic is Japan. Various efforts have been made by the Japanese government to control the spread of Covid-19. In efforts to deal with disasters, Japan has a Japanese International Cooperation Agency, namely JICA. This study uses qualitative research methods. The data collection method used in this study is online interviews. The researcher chose this approach because this research was carried out during an Overseas Work Lecture (KKLN) through a Video Conference from Japan on June 14, 2022, with the reference for this research is "JICA's role and cooperation in reducing disaster risk during and post Covid-19 pandemic." From the paper we can concluded that JICA's cooperation priorities are based on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015), for which Japan led the formulation process by incorporating Japan's own disaster risk reduction experiences. The challenges faced by JICA in implementing inter-agency and inter-state cooperation in disaster risk reduction during and after a pandemic are in terms of coordination and communication.

Keywords : JICA, Role, Cooperation, Disaster Risk Reduction.

- One of the disasters that is still a concern today is COVID-19. One of the countries considered to have high alertness in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic is Japan. Various efforts have been made by the Japanese government to control the spread of Covid-19. In efforts to deal with disasters, Japan has a Japanese International Cooperation Agency, namely JICA. This study uses qualitative research methods. The data collection method used in this study is online interviews. The researcher chose this approach because this research was carried out during an Overseas Work Lecture (KKLN) through a Video Conference from Japan on June 14, 2022, with the reference for this research is "JICA's role and cooperation in reducing disaster risk during and post Covid-19 pandemic." From the paper we can concluded that JICA's cooperation priorities are based on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015), for which Japan led the formulation process by incorporating Japan's own disaster risk reduction experiences. The challenges faced by JICA in implementing inter-agency and inter-state cooperation in disaster risk reduction during and after a pandemic are in terms of coordination and communication.

Keywords : JICA, Role, Cooperation, Disaster Risk Reduction.

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