Authors :
Reihani Suci Budi Utami, I Ketut Surajaya.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
This study discussed the position and role of the Emperor based on two Constitutions that have been and are in force in Japan, namely the Meiji Constitution and the 1947 Constitution. The focus of this study was to describe Articles governing the position and role of the Emperor in Japanese government are implemented. The study found that articles governing the position of Emperor in the Meiji Constitution were not properly implemented due to military domination in the government. Emperor Hirohito in reality did not have full power in carrying out his functions according to the institution. Articles governing the position and function of the Emperor in the 1947 Constitution are proper. Emperor Hirohito, who was later replaced by Prince Akihito, carried out his position as a symbol of state unity by carrying out his ceremonial duties. Political ideology was very strong in the Meiji Constitution, while social ideology flows under the 1947 constitution. Emperor Akihito’s throne, which will be replaced by Crown Prince Naruhito in April 2019, does not seem to have an effect on the implementation of the 1947 Constitution based on social ideology.
Keywords :
Emperor; position and role; meiji constitution; hirohito; akihito; kokutai.
This study discussed the position and role of the Emperor based on two Constitutions that have been and are in force in Japan, namely the Meiji Constitution and the 1947 Constitution. The focus of this study was to describe Articles governing the position and role of the Emperor in Japanese government are implemented. The study found that articles governing the position of Emperor in the Meiji Constitution were not properly implemented due to military domination in the government. Emperor Hirohito in reality did not have full power in carrying out his functions according to the institution. Articles governing the position and function of the Emperor in the 1947 Constitution are proper. Emperor Hirohito, who was later replaced by Prince Akihito, carried out his position as a symbol of state unity by carrying out his ceremonial duties. Political ideology was very strong in the Meiji Constitution, while social ideology flows under the 1947 constitution. Emperor Akihito’s throne, which will be replaced by Crown Prince Naruhito in April 2019, does not seem to have an effect on the implementation of the 1947 Constitution based on social ideology.
Keywords :
Emperor; position and role; meiji constitution; hirohito; akihito; kokutai.