Jamboard as an Interactive Platform Toward Improving Students’ Writing Competency in Stylistics and Discourse Analysis

Authors : Julius L. Carlos; Maria Fatima A. Dayrit; Maycee K. Lozano; Rio C. Valencia; Erika O. Yanga; Dr. Grace A. Mendoza

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3ch6Ik9

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6834270

Abstract : Writing skill is one of the macro skills that is considered as the most difficult skill to develop which requires an appropriate pedagogy, instruction, setting and platform. As the contemporary technologies emerge, the educational setting and platform have also been influenced thus technology-mediated instructions and teaching also emerge. So much so, there are some technology-mediated instructions and platforms that need to be evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in honing, enhancing and developing the skill and competency of the learners. With all these in mind, the researchers aimed to evaluate and determine the effectiveness of technology-mediated instruction like Jamboard as an interactive platform in improving the writing competency of the English major students in Stylistics and Discourse Analysis. The researchers employed quasi-experimental method in which the respondents are grouped as treatment group and controlled group. With a p-value of 0.000, t-value of 5.940 and mean difference of 8.4000, the research study revealed that there is a statistically significant difference in the posttest scores between treatment and controlled group. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected which means that the intervention is effective toward improving the writing competency of the respondents. The researchers strongly recommend further study using a mixedmethod relative to Jamboard as an interactive platform toward students’ writing competency in order to broaden the scope of knowledge, understanding and findings based on the narratives and experiences of the respondents.

Keywords : Jamboard, Quasi-experimental, Significant difference, Stylistics and Discourse Analysis, Writing Skill

Writing skill is one of the macro skills that is considered as the most difficult skill to develop which requires an appropriate pedagogy, instruction, setting and platform. As the contemporary technologies emerge, the educational setting and platform have also been influenced thus technology-mediated instructions and teaching also emerge. So much so, there are some technology-mediated instructions and platforms that need to be evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in honing, enhancing and developing the skill and competency of the learners. With all these in mind, the researchers aimed to evaluate and determine the effectiveness of technology-mediated instruction like Jamboard as an interactive platform in improving the writing competency of the English major students in Stylistics and Discourse Analysis. The researchers employed quasi-experimental method in which the respondents are grouped as treatment group and controlled group. With a p-value of 0.000, t-value of 5.940 and mean difference of 8.4000, the research study revealed that there is a statistically significant difference in the posttest scores between treatment and controlled group. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected which means that the intervention is effective toward improving the writing competency of the respondents. The researchers strongly recommend further study using a mixedmethod relative to Jamboard as an interactive platform toward students’ writing competency in order to broaden the scope of knowledge, understanding and findings based on the narratives and experiences of the respondents.

Keywords : Jamboard, Quasi-experimental, Significant difference, Stylistics and Discourse Analysis, Writing Skill

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