Authors :
Edet, U. O.; Bassey, U. I.; Asitok, A. D.; Anika O. C.; Egbomuche, R. C.; Ekiso, J.; Ejelonu, V. O.; Umoafia, N. G. E.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
Few fungi strains are known to degrade
crude oil and other organic pollutants. The primary aim
of this study was therefore to isolate crude oil degrading
fungi from impacted soil samples from the Niger Delta
region of Nigeria. Collected soil samples were analyzed
for physicochemical parameters, total aerobic
heterotrophic fungi, characterization of isolates and
crude oil utilization using standard microbiology
techniques. The results indicate that the
physicochemical parameters of the soil and sediments
samples varied significantly with iron and nickel above
permissible limits. Aerobic fungi counts ranged from 1.9
to 4.0 (x105
) CFU/g. Fungi isolates capable of degrading
crude oil were identified using molecular techniques
were Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma asperellum,
Aspergillus oryzae and Penicillium commune.
Keywords :
Crude Oil, Fungi, Biodegradation, Heavy Metals.
Few fungi strains are known to degrade
crude oil and other organic pollutants. The primary aim
of this study was therefore to isolate crude oil degrading
fungi from impacted soil samples from the Niger Delta
region of Nigeria. Collected soil samples were analyzed
for physicochemical parameters, total aerobic
heterotrophic fungi, characterization of isolates and
crude oil utilization using standard microbiology
techniques. The results indicate that the
physicochemical parameters of the soil and sediments
samples varied significantly with iron and nickel above
permissible limits. Aerobic fungi counts ranged from 1.9
to 4.0 (x105
) CFU/g. Fungi isolates capable of degrading
crude oil were identified using molecular techniques
were Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma asperellum,
Aspergillus oryzae and Penicillium commune.
Keywords :
Crude Oil, Fungi, Biodegradation, Heavy Metals.