Authors :
Baibhav R. Barbaruah; Temjennula Longkumer; Jyotishman Puzari; Badarica Tham
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
One of the richest habitats for microorganisms
is soil due to its complex composition and availability of
nutrients which has allowed for the greatest microbial
diversity. This diversity is a blessing and a curse, as
along with beneficial and non pathogenic
microorganisms, it is also a hub for pathogenic microbes
to thrive. In this diverse microflora, a plethora of
microorganisms are yet to be discovered and understood.
Due to the ever-changing climate conditions, global
warming, pollution, erosion etc, there may be change in
the microbial diversity in soil of a particular area and
may lead to infection and spread diseases. 4 different
isolates were obtained from soil sample collected from
the North Eastern Hill University campus, Shillong,
Meghalaya and biochemically identified. 3 out of 4
isolates were identified to be pathogenic in nature. This
paper aims to highlight the importance of estimating the
soil microorganisms, understand their functions and
make aware about the lurking dangers in our
Keywords :
Soil, pathogen, microorganism
One of the richest habitats for microorganisms
is soil due to its complex composition and availability of
nutrients which has allowed for the greatest microbial
diversity. This diversity is a blessing and a curse, as
along with beneficial and non pathogenic
microorganisms, it is also a hub for pathogenic microbes
to thrive. In this diverse microflora, a plethora of
microorganisms are yet to be discovered and understood.
Due to the ever-changing climate conditions, global
warming, pollution, erosion etc, there may be change in
the microbial diversity in soil of a particular area and
may lead to infection and spread diseases. 4 different
isolates were obtained from soil sample collected from
the North Eastern Hill University campus, Shillong,
Meghalaya and biochemically identified. 3 out of 4
isolates were identified to be pathogenic in nature. This
paper aims to highlight the importance of estimating the
soil microorganisms, understand their functions and
make aware about the lurking dangers in our
Keywords :
Soil, pathogen, microorganism