Authors :
I Gusti Ngurah Agata Prisanta Putra, Gede Sri Darma.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
This research aims to (1) know and analyze the positive influence of social influence, (2) cyber security, and (3) government regulation on behavioral intention to acceptance usage of bitcoin in Indonesia. (4) To know and analyze the positive influence of quality of support infrastructure and (5) behavioral intention on use behavior to acceptance usage of bitcoin in Indonesia. This research uses saturated sampling method, which is the entire population as used as a research sample. Sources of data in this study are primary data obtained from the answers of respondents with use questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is outer model, inner model, and hypothesis assessment.
Keywords :
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Financial Technology, Indonesia, UTAUT Model.
This research aims to (1) know and analyze the positive influence of social influence, (2) cyber security, and (3) government regulation on behavioral intention to acceptance usage of bitcoin in Indonesia. (4) To know and analyze the positive influence of quality of support infrastructure and (5) behavioral intention on use behavior to acceptance usage of bitcoin in Indonesia. This research uses saturated sampling method, which is the entire population as used as a research sample. Sources of data in this study are primary data obtained from the answers of respondents with use questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is outer model, inner model, and hypothesis assessment.
Keywords :
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Financial Technology, Indonesia, UTAUT Model.