Involvement of Selected Elementary Public-School Teachers in Community Programs in the District of Gapan City


Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : This study determined the extent of Involvement of Selected Public-School Teachers in Community Programs in the District of Gapan. The research study was conducted in selected public school in Gapan namely; General Pantaleon Valmonte Elementary School, Balante Elementary School and St. Joseph Elementary School with a total of 50 respondents thirty-six (36) of female and fourteen (14) of male. Descriptive Method was utilized and Google forms was used in conducting the survey. In determining the demographic profile of respondents (age, gender, civil status, length of service, rank and barangay), Frequencies and Percentage was used and rank was added in the involvement of community programs. The researchers used weighted mean and verbal interpretation to measure the data needed. Descriptive interpretation was used to determine the results on each table. Based on the findings, most of the teachers were elderly and married with a length of service 16-20 years. Most of them are teacher II and teaching in Barangay Pambuan. Major of the participants were involved in Disaster Preparedness and Church and Livelihood Programs. The respondents were involved in social activities, economic activities and religious activities with a verbal description of “often” and obtained a weighted mean of 2.00 – 2.99. Takes time for family, add to already heavy loads of the teachers and lack of time for teachers for community programs are the three major problems encountered by the teachers with a verbal description of “agree” and reached a weighted mean of 3.00-3.14. In overall, it shown that the problems that the teachers encountered can be a hindrance on their involvement in community program.

Keywords : Extent of Involvement, Community Programs, Church Activities and Livelihood, Social Activities, Economic Activities.

This study determined the extent of Involvement of Selected Public-School Teachers in Community Programs in the District of Gapan. The research study was conducted in selected public school in Gapan namely; General Pantaleon Valmonte Elementary School, Balante Elementary School and St. Joseph Elementary School with a total of 50 respondents thirty-six (36) of female and fourteen (14) of male. Descriptive Method was utilized and Google forms was used in conducting the survey. In determining the demographic profile of respondents (age, gender, civil status, length of service, rank and barangay), Frequencies and Percentage was used and rank was added in the involvement of community programs. The researchers used weighted mean and verbal interpretation to measure the data needed. Descriptive interpretation was used to determine the results on each table. Based on the findings, most of the teachers were elderly and married with a length of service 16-20 years. Most of them are teacher II and teaching in Barangay Pambuan. Major of the participants were involved in Disaster Preparedness and Church and Livelihood Programs. The respondents were involved in social activities, economic activities and religious activities with a verbal description of “often” and obtained a weighted mean of 2.00 – 2.99. Takes time for family, add to already heavy loads of the teachers and lack of time for teachers for community programs are the three major problems encountered by the teachers with a verbal description of “agree” and reached a weighted mean of 3.00-3.14. In overall, it shown that the problems that the teachers encountered can be a hindrance on their involvement in community program.

Keywords : Extent of Involvement, Community Programs, Church Activities and Livelihood, Social Activities, Economic Activities.

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