Investigative Fault Analysis of 11KV Slip-Ring Induction Motors

Authors : Udeme Idem; Adeola Abiola Adebayo; Ayodeji James Bamisaye

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Induction motors are the prime movers in industries that drive all the processes and equipment like heavy-duty gear boxes and mills used for production. A slip ring induction motor is an asynchronous motor in which the speed it operates is not equal to the synchronous speed of the rotor. Although they are very efficient and robust, there are many factors like poor working conditions, heavy operating duty, Poor power supply, etc., that can cause failure in the motor operation. This paper examines different causes of Electrical failures of Slip ring induction motors. We ran diagnostics tests on three fault zones of the motor, viz, the Insulation, Stator, and Rotor using MCE Max Software tester which is a motor circuit evaluator. Analyzing parameters like Resistive Imbalance (RI), Inductive Imbalances (II) etc. which result lead to excess heat generation that causes cracking, and abrasion on the insulation are examined. We also looked at Capacitance to ground (CTG) which shows the level of contamination buildup on the surface of the windings. All 11KV slip ring induction motors irrespective of the type, had a strong positive and negative correlation association between fault indicators on the Motors. This paper did a detailed analysis on the impact of these fault indicators on the overall motor and insulation health and proposed the use of periodic overhaul intensive maintenance plan to combat the negative impact of these fault indicators. Finally, a high CTG, RI, and II, leads to a low polarization index (PI), Low Dielectric Absorption (DA), and a very low Resistance to Ground RTG; showing very poor overall Stator, Rotor, and Insulation health. With periodic intensive overhaul maintenance (PIOM), the ingress of both carbon dust, condensation, environmental contamination and other undesirable build-ups on the windings can be reduced, allowing effective and proper cooling of the drives.

Keywords : Resistive Imbalance, Inductive Imbalance, Capacitance to Ground, Polarization Index, Dielectric Absorption, Insulation, Resistance to Ground.

Induction motors are the prime movers in industries that drive all the processes and equipment like heavy-duty gear boxes and mills used for production. A slip ring induction motor is an asynchronous motor in which the speed it operates is not equal to the synchronous speed of the rotor. Although they are very efficient and robust, there are many factors like poor working conditions, heavy operating duty, Poor power supply, etc., that can cause failure in the motor operation. This paper examines different causes of Electrical failures of Slip ring induction motors. We ran diagnostics tests on three fault zones of the motor, viz, the Insulation, Stator, and Rotor using MCE Max Software tester which is a motor circuit evaluator. Analyzing parameters like Resistive Imbalance (RI), Inductive Imbalances (II) etc. which result lead to excess heat generation that causes cracking, and abrasion on the insulation are examined. We also looked at Capacitance to ground (CTG) which shows the level of contamination buildup on the surface of the windings. All 11KV slip ring induction motors irrespective of the type, had a strong positive and negative correlation association between fault indicators on the Motors. This paper did a detailed analysis on the impact of these fault indicators on the overall motor and insulation health and proposed the use of periodic overhaul intensive maintenance plan to combat the negative impact of these fault indicators. Finally, a high CTG, RI, and II, leads to a low polarization index (PI), Low Dielectric Absorption (DA), and a very low Resistance to Ground RTG; showing very poor overall Stator, Rotor, and Insulation health. With periodic intensive overhaul maintenance (PIOM), the ingress of both carbon dust, condensation, environmental contamination and other undesirable build-ups on the windings can be reduced, allowing effective and proper cooling of the drives.

Keywords : Resistive Imbalance, Inductive Imbalance, Capacitance to Ground, Polarization Index, Dielectric Absorption, Insulation, Resistance to Ground.

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