Investigation of Process Parameters on Low Carbon Steel Weldments for Improving Welding Strength

Authors : K. Vivek Vardhan; R. Chethan Goud; S. Vishal; C. Labesh Kumar

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Welding is among the methods for joining metals. It can be conducted in both solid and fusion states. In the welding of the fusion state, the amount of the generated heat highly influences the weldments quality from the viewpoint of mechanical properties. carbon steel is the most commonly used material in construction and manufacturing due to its good properties, but the performance of welded joints is critical to the reliability of the structure. To study this effect, Arc Welding technique was used to weld low carbon steel. The Mechanical properties of the welded joints will be evaluated using mechanical tests such as tensile strength. In this work, the mechanical properties of low carbon steel were studied using the Arc welding process. V groove edge preparations on a size 06- mm thick low-carbon steel with the welding parameters: various welding currents at 100, 110, and 120 Amperes.

Keywords : ARC Welding, Low Carbon Steel Material, Welding Current, E6013 Electrode, Tensile Strength.

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Welding is among the methods for joining metals. It can be conducted in both solid and fusion states. In the welding of the fusion state, the amount of the generated heat highly influences the weldments quality from the viewpoint of mechanical properties. carbon steel is the most commonly used material in construction and manufacturing due to its good properties, but the performance of welded joints is critical to the reliability of the structure. To study this effect, Arc Welding technique was used to weld low carbon steel. The Mechanical properties of the welded joints will be evaluated using mechanical tests such as tensile strength. In this work, the mechanical properties of low carbon steel were studied using the Arc welding process. V groove edge preparations on a size 06- mm thick low-carbon steel with the welding parameters: various welding currents at 100, 110, and 120 Amperes.

Keywords : ARC Welding, Low Carbon Steel Material, Welding Current, E6013 Electrode, Tensile Strength.

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