Investigating the Performance of Geothermal and Solar HVAC System

Authors : Khaled Mohammed Ahmed Alkandari; Dr. FahadAlhajri

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : Solar and geothermal energy are recognized for their good efficiency, safety, as well as ability to operate regardless of the weather. One of several applications wherein straight utilization of geothermal and solar energy is used is geothermal and solar pumps, and advancement in the augmentation of these renewable energy sources is needed for future improvement in this sector. The findings revealed that solar energy is much more viable than geothermal resources because solar energy has a lower initial investment than geothermal energy. Furthermore, the solar system involves a lower payback period, which means it is considered the most preferable system for the same operational life. Also, the expenditure of the solar system is more secure than in the case of geothermal power.

Keywords : Coefficient of Performance, Renewable Energy, Operating Life, Geothermal HVAC System, Solar System.

Solar and geothermal energy are recognized for their good efficiency, safety, as well as ability to operate regardless of the weather. One of several applications wherein straight utilization of geothermal and solar energy is used is geothermal and solar pumps, and advancement in the augmentation of these renewable energy sources is needed for future improvement in this sector. The findings revealed that solar energy is much more viable than geothermal resources because solar energy has a lower initial investment than geothermal energy. Furthermore, the solar system involves a lower payback period, which means it is considered the most preferable system for the same operational life. Also, the expenditure of the solar system is more secure than in the case of geothermal power.

Keywords : Coefficient of Performance, Renewable Energy, Operating Life, Geothermal HVAC System, Solar System.

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