Intestinal Permeability and Zonulin : Key Connections to Understanding the Impact in Diseases Systemic

Authors : Dr. Luis Gomez Pena; Dr. Marcelo Serrano Valeriano

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Zonulin, recognized since 1993 as a marker of intestinal permeability and response inducer inflammatory when found increased, has been a topic of discussion in the last two decades. This work Update the community scientific about this problematic and its association with diseases non - communicable chronicles. Through searches In PubMed, Redalyc and Google Scholar, 238 articles were identified, of which which were 20 references were selected, published between 2005 and 2024. The alteration of intestinal permeability, influenced by factors like zonulin and inflammation, affects the axes intestine-liver and intestine-kidney, exacerbates diseases chronicles such as kidney failure and damage hepatic. In addition, the imbalance in the intestinal microbiota, it facilitates the translocation of bacteria and toxins. Therapies as prebiotics, probiotics and supplements nutritional they can restore the intestinal barrier and modulate inflammation, improving he management and treatment of these conditions.

Keywords : Intestinal Microbiota, Intestinal Permeability, Zonulin, Probiotics, Prebiotics.

References :

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Zonulin, recognized since 1993 as a marker of intestinal permeability and response inducer inflammatory when found increased, has been a topic of discussion in the last two decades. This work Update the community scientific about this problematic and its association with diseases non - communicable chronicles. Through searches In PubMed, Redalyc and Google Scholar, 238 articles were identified, of which which were 20 references were selected, published between 2005 and 2024. The alteration of intestinal permeability, influenced by factors like zonulin and inflammation, affects the axes intestine-liver and intestine-kidney, exacerbates diseases chronicles such as kidney failure and damage hepatic. In addition, the imbalance in the intestinal microbiota, it facilitates the translocation of bacteria and toxins. Therapies as prebiotics, probiotics and supplements nutritional they can restore the intestinal barrier and modulate inflammation, improving he management and treatment of these conditions.

Keywords : Intestinal Microbiota, Intestinal Permeability, Zonulin, Probiotics, Prebiotics.

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