Intelligent Multitasking System for Milk and Milk Tanker

Authors : Aishwarya Mohite, Manali Shinde, Manoj Nevge, Mrinalini Ghewari.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : There is a need of real time monitoring system which will give the detail information about milk and milk tanker which will be transported from one place to another place. By this system will be able to monitor the status of valve of the tanker, and the temperature of the milk. Also we get the information about the milk level in the tanker. this system also able to detect the objects around the tanker. It consists of arduino,GSM module, DHT11 module, MAX232 module, relay driver, electromagnetic switch, solenoid valve, ultrasonic level sensor, IR proximity sensor and valve status sensor. The temperature of the milk in the container will be monitored by DHT11 module.This system can easily detects the obstacles around the tanker with the help of IR proximity sensor and also owner get information about opening and closing position of valve by using valve status sensor and GSM module.This system operates with the aid of arduino, sensors, GSM module which will control the whole function of the system.

There is a need of real time monitoring system which will give the detail information about milk and milk tanker which will be transported from one place to another place. By this system will be able to monitor the status of valve of the tanker, and the temperature of the milk. Also we get the information about the milk level in the tanker. this system also able to detect the objects around the tanker. It consists of arduino,GSM module, DHT11 module, MAX232 module, relay driver, electromagnetic switch, solenoid valve, ultrasonic level sensor, IR proximity sensor and valve status sensor. The temperature of the milk in the container will be monitored by DHT11 module.This system can easily detects the obstacles around the tanker with the help of IR proximity sensor and also owner get information about opening and closing position of valve by using valve status sensor and GSM module.This system operates with the aid of arduino, sensors, GSM module which will control the whole function of the system.

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