Integration of 2D AMT and Subsurface Geoelectric Exploration Techniques for Mapping Deep Confined Fresh Water Aquifer in a Saline Sedimentary Environment in Vridhachalam Taluk, Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu, India

Authors : Badrinarayanan T.S; S. Sundaramoorthy; Dr. N. Jawahar Raj

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : While the presence or absence of water in the subsurface obviously should have an effect on the electrical properties of the ground, in the exploration process, particularly in relatively unexplored basins, it is not always immediately clear whether groundwater is a low resistivity target relative to background, or a high resistivity target. Correlation with known or suspected geological structure, borehole geophysics, and down-hole lithology is often critical in the proper application of surface geophysics to groundwater exploration. Magneto telluric [MT] is an electromagnetic surface geophysical exploration method, can give a good result with good resolution of data. The constant source audio magneto telluric method [CSAMT] and natural source audio magneto telluric method [NSAMT] which are one among electromagnetic techniques, usually provide better lateral high resolution at shallow and deeper depths than galvanic electrical resistivity methods. This research paper deals with integration of NSAMT- 2D AMT method and subsurface geoelectric exploration- borehole geophysics technique to explore the very deep fresh water aquifer in a saline sedimentary environment for irrigation needs. The research area falls in Vridhachalam taluk & block in Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu, South india. The investigation constraints being complex geological and hydrogeological setup with salinity problem. Added to this a very huge thickness of aquiclude and the aquifers occur @ very deeper depths for which a high financial investment is needed. The problems were overcome by carrying out systematic hydrogeological, geophysicalboth electromagnetic and geoelectric explorations and the very deep freshwater confined aquifer could be prospected. A pilot borehole to a depth of 312mbgl was drilled by rotary rig and the borehole was electrically logged. A tube well of 150mm dia was constructed to a depth of 312m, developed and finally completed. The discharge of well is 600 lpm with good potable water which could cater the water needs of entire farm.

Keywords : Aquiclude; Confined Aquifer; 2D AMT; Electrical Well Logging; Well Developing

While the presence or absence of water in the subsurface obviously should have an effect on the electrical properties of the ground, in the exploration process, particularly in relatively unexplored basins, it is not always immediately clear whether groundwater is a low resistivity target relative to background, or a high resistivity target. Correlation with known or suspected geological structure, borehole geophysics, and down-hole lithology is often critical in the proper application of surface geophysics to groundwater exploration. Magneto telluric [MT] is an electromagnetic surface geophysical exploration method, can give a good result with good resolution of data. The constant source audio magneto telluric method [CSAMT] and natural source audio magneto telluric method [NSAMT] which are one among electromagnetic techniques, usually provide better lateral high resolution at shallow and deeper depths than galvanic electrical resistivity methods. This research paper deals with integration of NSAMT- 2D AMT method and subsurface geoelectric exploration- borehole geophysics technique to explore the very deep fresh water aquifer in a saline sedimentary environment for irrigation needs. The research area falls in Vridhachalam taluk & block in Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu, South india. The investigation constraints being complex geological and hydrogeological setup with salinity problem. Added to this a very huge thickness of aquiclude and the aquifers occur @ very deeper depths for which a high financial investment is needed. The problems were overcome by carrying out systematic hydrogeological, geophysicalboth electromagnetic and geoelectric explorations and the very deep freshwater confined aquifer could be prospected. A pilot borehole to a depth of 312mbgl was drilled by rotary rig and the borehole was electrically logged. A tube well of 150mm dia was constructed to a depth of 312m, developed and finally completed. The discharge of well is 600 lpm with good potable water which could cater the water needs of entire farm.

Keywords : Aquiclude; Confined Aquifer; 2D AMT; Electrical Well Logging; Well Developing

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