Authors :
Maman Suherman; Erry Rimawan; Rahmat Hidayat; Randi Alfian
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
This study aims to find out the effect of work
stress and leadership on employee performance at PT.
Astra Daihatsu Motor, this study uses a quantitative
approach. Data collection was carried out by survey
method by distributing questionnaires to several
employees who were directly related to the test, the
questionnaire consisted of several questions related to
work stress, leadership and employee performance.
Because of the limitation of respondents in the
study is only 26 people, the sample used in this study is
a saturated sample in which the entire population is
used as a sample. Data processing is performed by SEM
(structural Equation Modeling) method basen on (PLS)
partial least square with 2 stages of testing process that
is measurement of inner model and outer model. The
results show that work stress and leadership are proven
to have an influence on employee performance with a
value of 32.4%, with the dominant factor causing work
stress is a gap in communication with coworkers, while
for leadership factors are leadership motivational
factors for employees where the leader is able to provide
Good motivation for employees in working makes the
most dominant leadership factor.
Keywords :
job stress, Leadership, Employee performance
This study aims to find out the effect of work
stress and leadership on employee performance at PT.
Astra Daihatsu Motor, this study uses a quantitative
approach. Data collection was carried out by survey
method by distributing questionnaires to several
employees who were directly related to the test, the
questionnaire consisted of several questions related to
work stress, leadership and employee performance.
Because of the limitation of respondents in the
study is only 26 people, the sample used in this study is
a saturated sample in which the entire population is
used as a sample. Data processing is performed by SEM
(structural Equation Modeling) method basen on (PLS)
partial least square with 2 stages of testing process that
is measurement of inner model and outer model. The
results show that work stress and leadership are proven
to have an influence on employee performance with a
value of 32.4%, with the dominant factor causing work
stress is a gap in communication with coworkers, while
for leadership factors are leadership motivational
factors for employees where the leader is able to provide
Good motivation for employees in working makes the
most dominant leadership factor.
Keywords :
job stress, Leadership, Employee performance