Authors :
Rahman Ds; Agustinus Hariadi Djoko Purwanto
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Research was conducted at a company that
manufactures automotive components for both two-
wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles which are made from
aluminum as the raw material. The processes in this
company are die casting, machining, assembly, &
painting. In this research, the author focuses on
examining the die casting process. The OEE value in
May, June & July 2023 did not reach the target of 85%
of the target set by the company and the forecast for
2024 could not be met.
This research discusses how to increase
productivity so that the output from the die casting
process increases and increases the OEE results on
machines no. 2 and no. 6. Then the value, semi-value and
non-value movements were classified using theoretical
value production (TVP) and the results of discussions
with experienced people in their fields through focus
group discussions, obtained a cycle time of 40 seconds
with a value movement of 9.95 seconds, semi-value of
23.08 seconds, and non value of 6.91 seconds. Meanwhile,
for machine no. 6, the cycle time value obtained was 37
seconds with a movement value of 7.99 seconds, semi
value of 22.40 seconds, and non value of 6.61 seconds.
PDCA analysis was carried out on non-value
movements through focus group discussions. The results
of the PDCA analysis provide improvement ideas based
on improvement categories with eliminate, combine, re-
range, simplify (ECRS). From the results of the repair
simulation, it was found that the cycle time on machine
no. 2 was reduced by 6.91 seconds to a total of 33.03
seconds with a productivity of 1.27. Meanwhile, for
machine no. 6, it decreased by 6.61 seconds to a total of
30.39 seconds with a productivity of 1.29. This research
provides very useful insights and can be implemented on
all machines in the company.
Keywords :
Productivity, Cycle Time, Improvement, OEE.
References :
- Theoritical Value Production. 2019. OEE Understanding & TVP Basic Education. Jakarta: PT Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
- Gaspersz, V. 2007. Lean Six Sigma for Manufacturing and Servive Industries. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
- Suhartono. 2007. Penerapan Lean Production pada Sistem Produksi Make to Order dengan Pendekatan Lean Motion Time Study-Descrete Event Simulation Guna Meningkatkan Efektifitas dan Efisiensi Aliran Produksi. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November.
- Atkinson. (1990). Manajemen waktu yang efektif. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.
- Martono, VR.,. 2019. Analisis Produktivitas dan Efisiensi. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
- Barnes, Ralp. M, (1980) Motion and Time Study design and Measurement of Work, Edisi VII, Willey & Son, New York.
- Nakajima, S. (1988). Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Cambridge : Produktivity Press
- Sugiyono. (2021). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif Dan R&D
Research was conducted at a company that
manufactures automotive components for both two-
wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles which are made from
aluminum as the raw material. The processes in this
company are die casting, machining, assembly, &
painting. In this research, the author focuses on
examining the die casting process. The OEE value in
May, June & July 2023 did not reach the target of 85%
of the target set by the company and the forecast for
2024 could not be met.
This research discusses how to increase
productivity so that the output from the die casting
process increases and increases the OEE results on
machines no. 2 and no. 6. Then the value, semi-value and
non-value movements were classified using theoretical
value production (TVP) and the results of discussions
with experienced people in their fields through focus
group discussions, obtained a cycle time of 40 seconds
with a value movement of 9.95 seconds, semi-value of
23.08 seconds, and non value of 6.91 seconds. Meanwhile,
for machine no. 6, the cycle time value obtained was 37
seconds with a movement value of 7.99 seconds, semi
value of 22.40 seconds, and non value of 6.61 seconds.
PDCA analysis was carried out on non-value
movements through focus group discussions. The results
of the PDCA analysis provide improvement ideas based
on improvement categories with eliminate, combine, re-
range, simplify (ECRS). From the results of the repair
simulation, it was found that the cycle time on machine
no. 2 was reduced by 6.91 seconds to a total of 33.03
seconds with a productivity of 1.27. Meanwhile, for
machine no. 6, it decreased by 6.61 seconds to a total of
30.39 seconds with a productivity of 1.29. This research
provides very useful insights and can be implemented on
all machines in the company.
Keywords :
Productivity, Cycle Time, Improvement, OEE.