Improvising Self Healing Abilities and Properties of Concrete using Bacteria: A Review

Authors : Himanshu Rajput

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : Concrete is a fundamental construction material which is one of the main reasons for an structure to survive for a long duration of time. The binding ability , its high compressibility and strength retaining capability makes it more durable. But, there are some factors which can harness the durability of the concrete with respect to time and can reduce the longevity or the age of the structure such as chloride attack, sulphate attack, freezing, thawing etc. This result in degradation of structure and formation of cracks. These cracks plays a vital role in tempering the durability of structure providing a clean passage to water to seep in deep to the reinforcement and here the problems arises. So, some bacteria which can react with water and can form precipitates in powdered form are injected during the baching process.This process is termed as Self healing of concrete. These bacteria can also play a pivotal role in altering the concrete properties. So in this review we are going to study the effect of these bacteria on concrete properties in positive way possible

Keywords : Concrete, Durability, Cracks, CaCO3, Bacteria, Bacilli, Compressive Strength.

Concrete is a fundamental construction material which is one of the main reasons for an structure to survive for a long duration of time. The binding ability , its high compressibility and strength retaining capability makes it more durable. But, there are some factors which can harness the durability of the concrete with respect to time and can reduce the longevity or the age of the structure such as chloride attack, sulphate attack, freezing, thawing etc. This result in degradation of structure and formation of cracks. These cracks plays a vital role in tempering the durability of structure providing a clean passage to water to seep in deep to the reinforcement and here the problems arises. So, some bacteria which can react with water and can form precipitates in powdered form are injected during the baching process.This process is termed as Self healing of concrete. These bacteria can also play a pivotal role in altering the concrete properties. So in this review we are going to study the effect of these bacteria on concrete properties in positive way possible

Keywords : Concrete, Durability, Cracks, CaCO3, Bacteria, Bacilli, Compressive Strength.

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