Authors :
Ishaq Ibrahim; Supriyana; Diyah Fatmasari; Lanny Sunarjo; Ani Subekti
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Background: IKP reporting in Indonesia in
2019 was 7,310 incidents. The risk factor for incidents is
the lack of implementation of a reporting culture, which
has not been implemented systematically. Innovations
that can be used to change risk management recording
and reporting, namely through risk management
information system models, are expected to improve the
quality of recording and reporting and risk management
data and information in hospitals. Method: The method
used is Research and Development (R&D) with a
qualitative and quantitative approach, the stages are
identification of needs, design, expert validation,
feasibility test 1, and feasibility test 2. This research uses
a pre-experimental design with a one-group pre-design.
Post-test. Data collection techniques are interviews,
observation, and questionnaires and the data is processed
using non-parameteric tests. The sampling technique was
purposive sampling consisting of 32 room heads and 1
K3RS person who were given intervention for 1 month.
Results: The results of the validity of the risk management
information system model show a p-value = 0.000,
meaning the model is suitable for use. This model is
effective in improving the quality of recording and
reporting as well as data and information (p=0.000). In
feasibility test 2, the result obtained was p=0.000, meaning
the model was suitable for use independently by the head
of the room and K3RS.
Keywords :
Risk management, Recording and Reporting, Data and Information.
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Background: IKP reporting in Indonesia in
2019 was 7,310 incidents. The risk factor for incidents is
the lack of implementation of a reporting culture, which
has not been implemented systematically. Innovations
that can be used to change risk management recording
and reporting, namely through risk management
information system models, are expected to improve the
quality of recording and reporting and risk management
data and information in hospitals. Method: The method
used is Research and Development (R&D) with a
qualitative and quantitative approach, the stages are
identification of needs, design, expert validation,
feasibility test 1, and feasibility test 2. This research uses
a pre-experimental design with a one-group pre-design.
Post-test. Data collection techniques are interviews,
observation, and questionnaires and the data is processed
using non-parameteric tests. The sampling technique was
purposive sampling consisting of 32 room heads and 1
K3RS person who were given intervention for 1 month.
Results: The results of the validity of the risk management
information system model show a p-value = 0.000,
meaning the model is suitable for use. This model is
effective in improving the quality of recording and
reporting as well as data and information (p=0.000). In
feasibility test 2, the result obtained was p=0.000, meaning
the model was suitable for use independently by the head
of the room and K3RS.
Keywords :
Risk management, Recording and Reporting, Data and Information.