Authors :
Sativana Sari; Wara Indira Rukmi; Antariksa Sudikno
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
Malang city is a tourism destination attempt
to conserve and maintain its potential resources such as
park and green garden. Park and green garden
functionally as social service facility satisfy 91% of
quantity and 57% of quality. Parks also serve
community and managed by government as social
service management. The function of park and garden in
Malang city was not fully served as iconic of the city’s
area. This research focus on iconic parks and garden in
Malang city, research’s method to collect data are
through survey, field observation, interview,
questionnaire, and satellite photo mapping. Collected
data analysed by statistical Path method to obtain which
aspect majoring determine the park’s interest service.
Impression of parks collected from social media viewers
(Instagram). Result of this study shown that there are
two main finding support the analysis, instagram viewer
more visiting Slamet park, because inside the park has
iconic photo spot for self-photo or group photo. That
iconic spot was orange architectural installation which
symbolize Malang city surrounded by mountain. The
second finding is instagram viewer tend to influenced by
several factor for choosing park and garden and
construct a place making, those factor has significant
influenced directly and indirectly. Directly factors
determine the preferences of user and indirectly factor
support the place making creating in certain ways. All
the factor show that place making is not obtain in clear
state but also pursued on several circumference.
Keywords :
Impression, Public Parks, Social Media, Instagram, Service
Malang city is a tourism destination attempt
to conserve and maintain its potential resources such as
park and green garden. Park and green garden
functionally as social service facility satisfy 91% of
quantity and 57% of quality. Parks also serve
community and managed by government as social
service management. The function of park and garden in
Malang city was not fully served as iconic of the city’s
area. This research focus on iconic parks and garden in
Malang city, research’s method to collect data are
through survey, field observation, interview,
questionnaire, and satellite photo mapping. Collected
data analysed by statistical Path method to obtain which
aspect majoring determine the park’s interest service.
Impression of parks collected from social media viewers
(Instagram). Result of this study shown that there are
two main finding support the analysis, instagram viewer
more visiting Slamet park, because inside the park has
iconic photo spot for self-photo or group photo. That
iconic spot was orange architectural installation which
symbolize Malang city surrounded by mountain. The
second finding is instagram viewer tend to influenced by
several factor for choosing park and garden and
construct a place making, those factor has significant
influenced directly and indirectly. Directly factors
determine the preferences of user and indirectly factor
support the place making creating in certain ways. All
the factor show that place making is not obtain in clear
state but also pursued on several circumference.
Keywords :
Impression, Public Parks, Social Media, Instagram, Service