Implementation Study of Smart Mobility and Smart Living in Commuter Line at Sudirman Station, Central Jakarta

Authors : Anis Wulandari; M Maria Sudarwani; Sri Pare Eni

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : The flow of urbanization continues to show an increase, this is the result of rapid economic growth. Urban problems arise along with the natural rate of population growth, such as traffic jams caused by, among other things, an increase in the number of vehicles. The smart city concept has been developed and implemented in large cities such as Jakarta. Smart mobility and smart living are two of the six parts of the smart city concept, which have now been developed as a solution to solving urban problems, one of which is the improvement and development of public transportation infrastructure in order to improve the quality of efficient and effective services. The aim of this research is to know, understand and formulate critically and objectively the application of smart mobility and smart living, which are examined from the physical and non-physical characteristics of the commuter line transportation mode. This research uses a mixed method or combination approach. Research uses two approaches, namely qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative methods are used surveys and experiments, while qualitative methods themselves are naturalistic methods. The research results have four outcomes including; optimizing intramodal and intramodal accessibility for all users including people with disabilities, realizing sustainable public transportation, integration through technology to realize less cash, efficiency and access to information, as well as public transportation that pays attention to health, cleanliness, safety and security for its users.

Keywords : Smart City; Smart Mobility; Smart Living; Commuter Line; Sudirman Station.

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The flow of urbanization continues to show an increase, this is the result of rapid economic growth. Urban problems arise along with the natural rate of population growth, such as traffic jams caused by, among other things, an increase in the number of vehicles. The smart city concept has been developed and implemented in large cities such as Jakarta. Smart mobility and smart living are two of the six parts of the smart city concept, which have now been developed as a solution to solving urban problems, one of which is the improvement and development of public transportation infrastructure in order to improve the quality of efficient and effective services. The aim of this research is to know, understand and formulate critically and objectively the application of smart mobility and smart living, which are examined from the physical and non-physical characteristics of the commuter line transportation mode. This research uses a mixed method or combination approach. Research uses two approaches, namely qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative methods are used surveys and experiments, while qualitative methods themselves are naturalistic methods. The research results have four outcomes including; optimizing intramodal and intramodal accessibility for all users including people with disabilities, realizing sustainable public transportation, integration through technology to realize less cash, efficiency and access to information, as well as public transportation that pays attention to health, cleanliness, safety and security for its users.

Keywords : Smart City; Smart Mobility; Smart Living; Commuter Line; Sudirman Station.

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