Authors :
Mahamadi ZOUNDI; Joachim BONKOUNGOU; Malick DRABO; Pr. YAMBA Boubacar; Yahaya DIENE
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The Karfiguela alluvial plain, covering an
area of 46.496 km2, is located in the Cascades region, one
of the thirteen regions of Burkina Faso. It has significant
surface and groundwater potential. An area of 350 ha is
developed for rice cultivation. However, the combined
effects of expanding agricultural areas, overexploitation
of water resources, and inappropriate agricultural
practices are leading to the degradation of water
resources. Therefore, understanding the impacts of
agricultural practices is essential, which is the focus of this
study. The study aims to analyze the impacts of irrigated
agriculture on water resources.
The methodological approach is based on both
quantitative and qualitative methods, organized into
three main phases. The first phase, design, allowed us to
define the indicators and data to be collected, develop the
tools, and determine the methods for data collection and
processing. The second phase involved data collection
from thirty-three organizations, the regional agricultural
directorate, and PADI. The third phase consisted of
processing and analyzing the data, followed by drafting
the article.
The study results indicate that proximity to
riverbanks and overexploitation of river water are
contributing to the physical degradation of the resource.
This is manifested through the development of micro-
dams and siltation. These practices lead to flooding,
premature depletion of water resources, and destruction
of the aquatic ecosystem. The use of agricultural inputs
has not yet affected the quality of groundwater.
Keywords :
Karfiguela Alluvial Plain, Groundwater Management, Irrigable Areas.
References :
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The Karfiguela alluvial plain, covering an
area of 46.496 km2, is located in the Cascades region, one
of the thirteen regions of Burkina Faso. It has significant
surface and groundwater potential. An area of 350 ha is
developed for rice cultivation. However, the combined
effects of expanding agricultural areas, overexploitation
of water resources, and inappropriate agricultural
practices are leading to the degradation of water
resources. Therefore, understanding the impacts of
agricultural practices is essential, which is the focus of this
study. The study aims to analyze the impacts of irrigated
agriculture on water resources.
The methodological approach is based on both
quantitative and qualitative methods, organized into
three main phases. The first phase, design, allowed us to
define the indicators and data to be collected, develop the
tools, and determine the methods for data collection and
processing. The second phase involved data collection
from thirty-three organizations, the regional agricultural
directorate, and PADI. The third phase consisted of
processing and analyzing the data, followed by drafting
the article.
The study results indicate that proximity to
riverbanks and overexploitation of river water are
contributing to the physical degradation of the resource.
This is manifested through the development of micro-
dams and siltation. These practices lead to flooding,
premature depletion of water resources, and destruction
of the aquatic ecosystem. The use of agricultural inputs
has not yet affected the quality of groundwater.
Keywords :
Karfiguela Alluvial Plain, Groundwater Management, Irrigable Areas.