Impact of UDL on Practising Seven Cooperatives of ICA: A Big Picture

Authors : Saira Iftikhar; Atif Hanif Saqi; Muhammad Muneeb

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : Today is the age of inclusive learning environments that promotes diversity and accept a variety of learners' backgrounds. When learners enter their professional lives, they have to abide by certain principles of inclusivity like those seven co-operatives of ICA. The research required a thorough investigation of work already done in the concerned fields. So a systematic review was conducted followed by semistructured interviews. So the research methodology was purely qualitative. Findings indicated that the impact of the UDL on the following seven co-operatives of ICA has not been studied from any angle. So, it was unique research in itself and the results indicated that there is a definite positive impact of studying UDL on the professionals of tomorrow.

Keywords : UDL, ICA, Cooperative Learning, Inclusive Learning, Pedagogy

Today is the age of inclusive learning environments that promotes diversity and accept a variety of learners' backgrounds. When learners enter their professional lives, they have to abide by certain principles of inclusivity like those seven co-operatives of ICA. The research required a thorough investigation of work already done in the concerned fields. So a systematic review was conducted followed by semistructured interviews. So the research methodology was purely qualitative. Findings indicated that the impact of the UDL on the following seven co-operatives of ICA has not been studied from any angle. So, it was unique research in itself and the results indicated that there is a definite positive impact of studying UDL on the professionals of tomorrow.

Keywords : UDL, ICA, Cooperative Learning, Inclusive Learning, Pedagogy

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