Authors :
A. Manju Vani , K. Suryanarayana Reddy
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
The first goal of the Report of India Millennium Development Goals (MDG), 2009 has 2 targets set, to halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day and to halve within the same period the proportion of the people who are suffering from Hunger. Much of the report provides the official statistics at the national level for many MDG indicators, a deeper decomposition of the measures of MDG indicators down below State levels could be more revealing of the micro-dimensions, which help demonstrating precise locales of the problems when spatially mapped.1 Participatory approach to assessing hunger demonstrates that macro-data on ‘hunger’ masks important elements of it that a Participatory Rural Appraisal brings out. There are of course, few studies which have focused on these aspects of hunger in contemporary India; however most of them are restricted to the study of Telangana region in Andhra Pradesh and in other States in India. This research is a humble attempt to study whether there is any reduction in the level of hunger of the beneficiaries under awork scheme called NREGS-AP as a consequent of the increase in their incomes. The research methodology involved the usage of Qualitative and Quantitative methods and also the usage of GIS technology in generating the spatial mapping of the watershed areas of the two villages in question. It is an action research also as the study involves the evaluation of the implementation of the EGS in two villages of PaderuMandal of Visakhapatnam District, A.P, India. Primarily, it is an empirical investigation with a purposive sample of 145 persons collected randomly from Guttuluputtu&Ubbariputtu villages of PaderuMandal consisting of 100% ST Population who had participated in the EGS. The Hypothesis of the research states that “The Micro-level hunger is not dependent on the rise of income level”andthe hypothesis was found to hold good due to various socio-economico-cultural and political factors typical of these tribal areas. The research has tried to probe deep into these factors through various PRA/PLA tools and through the understanding of the local people; it was inferred that the greatest menace affecting their lives was extreme alcoholism which is prevalent in the people irrespective of their gender or classes. The research attempted to arrive at a convergence development model which integrates the efforts of Government officials, other departments, Non-officials, NGOs, Linkages with the external markets and people at large as they are the arbiters of their well-being. This study, in no way negates the beneficence of the schemes implemented to alleviate poverty and hunger through generation of employments to the BPL households.
The first goal of the Report of India Millennium Development Goals (MDG), 2009 has 2 targets set, to halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day and to halve within the same period the proportion of the people who are suffering from Hunger. Much of the report provides the official statistics at the national level for many MDG indicators, a deeper decomposition of the measures of MDG indicators down below State levels could be more revealing of the micro-dimensions, which help demonstrating precise locales of the problems when spatially mapped.1 Participatory approach to assessing hunger demonstrates that macro-data on ‘hunger’ masks important elements of it that a Participatory Rural Appraisal brings out. There are of course, few studies which have focused on these aspects of hunger in contemporary India; however most of them are restricted to the study of Telangana region in Andhra Pradesh and in other States in India. This research is a humble attempt to study whether there is any reduction in the level of hunger of the beneficiaries under awork scheme called NREGS-AP as a consequent of the increase in their incomes. The research methodology involved the usage of Qualitative and Quantitative methods and also the usage of GIS technology in generating the spatial mapping of the watershed areas of the two villages in question. It is an action research also as the study involves the evaluation of the implementation of the EGS in two villages of PaderuMandal of Visakhapatnam District, A.P, India. Primarily, it is an empirical investigation with a purposive sample of 145 persons collected randomly from Guttuluputtu&Ubbariputtu villages of PaderuMandal consisting of 100% ST Population who had participated in the EGS. The Hypothesis of the research states that “The Micro-level hunger is not dependent on the rise of income level”andthe hypothesis was found to hold good due to various socio-economico-cultural and political factors typical of these tribal areas. The research has tried to probe deep into these factors through various PRA/PLA tools and through the understanding of the local people; it was inferred that the greatest menace affecting their lives was extreme alcoholism which is prevalent in the people irrespective of their gender or classes. The research attempted to arrive at a convergence development model which integrates the efforts of Government officials, other departments, Non-officials, NGOs, Linkages with the external markets and people at large as they are the arbiters of their well-being. This study, in no way negates the beneficence of the schemes implemented to alleviate poverty and hunger through generation of employments to the BPL households.