Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Poultry Industry of Ghana: Case Study in Kumasi Metropolis

Authors : Quaye, B; Asomani, B; Adjei Mensah, B; Benante, V; Opoku, O; Amankrah, M.A; Atuahene, C. C

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : The recent problem of the COVID-19 pandemic has thwarted every facet of life andthe poultry industry is not spared from its ravages.A survey was conducted to ascertain the extent to which the pandemic has affected the poultry industry in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. Open and close-ended questionnaires were administered to poultry farmers, feed millers, traders and consumers of poultry products. The Snowball sampling technique was employed in taking data from the poultry farmers and feed millers. A random sampling method was used in collecting data from traders and consumers.The data were first coded with the procedure of SPSS and descriptive statistics including tables and graphswere generated. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the poultry industry in Ghana negatively by crippling the stakeholders in the industry. Poultry farmers are stalling in their various productions because their workers are leaving their jobs because of non-payment of salaries.Farmers are burdened with the reality of a shortage of inputs and so production is not able to go on properly. Feed millers cannot get access to feed ingredients and the few that are available are expensive, making the compounded feed very expensive to farmers. Traders, on the other hand, are not able to source poultry products and so an increase in demand has resulted in the increment inthe price of poultry products. Consumers who are at the end of the value chain can no longer afford the cost and so are now looking for alternatives to poultry products.

Keywords : Pandemic, COVID-19, Poultry, Snowball, Stake-holders, Consumers

The recent problem of the COVID-19 pandemic has thwarted every facet of life andthe poultry industry is not spared from its ravages.A survey was conducted to ascertain the extent to which the pandemic has affected the poultry industry in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. Open and close-ended questionnaires were administered to poultry farmers, feed millers, traders and consumers of poultry products. The Snowball sampling technique was employed in taking data from the poultry farmers and feed millers. A random sampling method was used in collecting data from traders and consumers.The data were first coded with the procedure of SPSS and descriptive statistics including tables and graphswere generated. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the poultry industry in Ghana negatively by crippling the stakeholders in the industry. Poultry farmers are stalling in their various productions because their workers are leaving their jobs because of non-payment of salaries.Farmers are burdened with the reality of a shortage of inputs and so production is not able to go on properly. Feed millers cannot get access to feed ingredients and the few that are available are expensive, making the compounded feed very expensive to farmers. Traders, on the other hand, are not able to source poultry products and so an increase in demand has resulted in the increment inthe price of poultry products. Consumers who are at the end of the value chain can no longer afford the cost and so are now looking for alternatives to poultry products.

Keywords : Pandemic, COVID-19, Poultry, Snowball, Stake-holders, Consumers

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