Authors :
Doto, Humiras Hardi Purba, Erry Rimawan.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
More than one million organizations in the word have implemented the QMS ISO 9001 to improve their organization performance related quality, productivity, customer complaint and cost efficiency. The purpose of this study is to find the critical factor that affecting to the effectiveness of implementation of QMS ISO 9001 and its impact to organization performance in related to quality, productivity, customer complaint and cost efficiency. The 80 certified service companies was selected using simple random approach which represented by people who have responsibility to the effectiveness of QMS ISO 9001 implementation such as management representative, top management or key person of the implementation of QMS ISO9001. The requirement of respondent is the certified company which had certified more than 3 years. The main data of research was collected by questioner. Smart PLS 3.0, was utilized to test the research model which applying path and weighing model. The findings in this paper reveal that top management commitment, employee involvement and training and education have significant effect to the QMS ISO 9001 effectiveness of implementation as well as to the organization’s performance (improve product / service quality, improve increasing productivity, decreasing production cost, and fewer customer complain). To increase the benefit of QMS ISO9001 implementation on this paper recommends that internal motivation, internal audit, financial support and team work should be improved.
Keywords :
QMS ISO 9001, factor, benefit, performance, SEM_PLS.
More than one million organizations in the word have implemented the QMS ISO 9001 to improve their organization performance related quality, productivity, customer complaint and cost efficiency. The purpose of this study is to find the critical factor that affecting to the effectiveness of implementation of QMS ISO 9001 and its impact to organization performance in related to quality, productivity, customer complaint and cost efficiency. The 80 certified service companies was selected using simple random approach which represented by people who have responsibility to the effectiveness of QMS ISO 9001 implementation such as management representative, top management or key person of the implementation of QMS ISO9001. The requirement of respondent is the certified company which had certified more than 3 years. The main data of research was collected by questioner. Smart PLS 3.0, was utilized to test the research model which applying path and weighing model. The findings in this paper reveal that top management commitment, employee involvement and training and education have significant effect to the QMS ISO 9001 effectiveness of implementation as well as to the organization’s performance (improve product / service quality, improve increasing productivity, decreasing production cost, and fewer customer complain). To increase the benefit of QMS ISO9001 implementation on this paper recommends that internal motivation, internal audit, financial support and team work should be improved.
Keywords :
QMS ISO 9001, factor, benefit, performance, SEM_PLS.