Image-Based Vehicle Detection using Various Features

Authors : Saikat Goswami; Mohammad Shorif Uddin; Mahia Rezwana Oishi; Shaiedul Islam Shehab; Nazmus Shakib

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : - There are frequent vehicle accidents in our country due to reckless driving and also break the driving rules. So, main purpose for this research comes from the situation of our country worsts vehicles. Now-a-days in our country vehicles damage are increasing rapidly. This is why a concept that emphasizes on the betterment of our country traffic environment. Here, apply two methods for detect the vehicle. Such as Lens-based vehicle Classifier and Haar cascade classifier. Lens-based Vehicle Classifier and Haar cascade classifier used for utilize the object detect of the vehicle. And all the procedure is held with camera and sensor to detect the vehicles. In the primary level, DSLR camera takes multiple photographs in a different way after the image is resister in database. All the process is held like heat map, bounding box, threshold and merged box in database. So, heat map highlights the image and send to the bounding box for predict. This prediction is also a smaller number of images. Heat map are used for bounding box that threshold of 85% probability of any class of object. Regressor when included the output of image pixel are merged. And finally, all the procedure done and get a result of vehicle detection that accuracy 85% or less. Befeore Correction:

Keywords : Computer Vision & Digital Image Processing.

- There are frequent vehicle accidents in our country due to reckless driving and also break the driving rules. So, main purpose for this research comes from the situation of our country worsts vehicles. Now-a-days in our country vehicles damage are increasing rapidly. This is why a concept that emphasizes on the betterment of our country traffic environment. Here, apply two methods for detect the vehicle. Such as Lens-based vehicle Classifier and Haar cascade classifier. Lens-based Vehicle Classifier and Haar cascade classifier used for utilize the object detect of the vehicle. And all the procedure is held with camera and sensor to detect the vehicles. In the primary level, DSLR camera takes multiple photographs in a different way after the image is resister in database. All the process is held like heat map, bounding box, threshold and merged box in database. So, heat map highlights the image and send to the bounding box for predict. This prediction is also a smaller number of images. Heat map are used for bounding box that threshold of 85% probability of any class of object. Regressor when included the output of image pixel are merged. And finally, all the procedure done and get a result of vehicle detection that accuracy 85% or less. Befeore Correction:

Keywords : Computer Vision & Digital Image Processing.

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