Authors :
Revannath A. Gurgude
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The oxalate content of guava and sapota fruits at
various stages of ripening were initiate out by
permanganometric method. Oxalate rich foods are usually
constrained to some degree, particularly in patients with
high urinary oxalate level. Guava and sapota fruit have the
peak percentage of vitamin C among citrus fruits. It may
also contains oxalate amount of which varies with ripening
of the fruit. Throughout ripening of guava and sapota fruit;
the oxalate content improves progressively and the fully
ripe fruit has the extreme oxalate content. Oxalate form an
insoluble complex with calcium in the urine, or hyperoxaluria, is even supplementary vital to stone formation
than high levels of calcium or hypercalcicuria.
Unwarranted intake of food and drink containing oxalate
leads to calcium oxalate stone. Also, excessive intake of
vitamin C which metabolized to oxalate may lead to hyper
calcicuria and an increase in stone formation. Pain
medications can be prescribed for symptom relief. Surgical
techniques have also been developed to remove kidney
Keywords :
Permanganometric method, hyper-oxaluria, hypercalcicuria, vitamin C etc.
The oxalate content of guava and sapota fruits at
various stages of ripening were initiate out by
permanganometric method. Oxalate rich foods are usually
constrained to some degree, particularly in patients with
high urinary oxalate level. Guava and sapota fruit have the
peak percentage of vitamin C among citrus fruits. It may
also contains oxalate amount of which varies with ripening
of the fruit. Throughout ripening of guava and sapota fruit;
the oxalate content improves progressively and the fully
ripe fruit has the extreme oxalate content. Oxalate form an
insoluble complex with calcium in the urine, or hyperoxaluria, is even supplementary vital to stone formation
than high levels of calcium or hypercalcicuria.
Unwarranted intake of food and drink containing oxalate
leads to calcium oxalate stone. Also, excessive intake of
vitamin C which metabolized to oxalate may lead to hyper
calcicuria and an increase in stone formation. Pain
medications can be prescribed for symptom relief. Surgical
techniques have also been developed to remove kidney
Keywords :
Permanganometric method, hyper-oxaluria, hypercalcicuria, vitamin C etc.