Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of Catchment Using Geospatial Technology

Authors : V.S.Chaudhari; Dr. S.D.Vikhe; Dr.H.W.Awari; Dr.V.K.Ingle

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : The most vital resource for life is freshwater. The importance of water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, industry or other purposes. Water is not uniformly distributed all around the watershed. In contrast to the diminishing resource, global demand for water is rising. Consumable water is the driving require of human civilization nowadays. Groundwater is recharged by constructing various soil and water conservation structures in watershed is possible if one can identify ground water potential zones by using state of art technology. Groundwater pulled back for rural, metropolitan and mechanical utilize by developing and working extraction wells. The review related to Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of Watershed Using Remote Sensing and Geo-informatics is discussed in this paper.

Keywords : Watershed, Remote Sensing, Geo-informatics, Potential zones, Irrigation planning

The most vital resource for life is freshwater. The importance of water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, industry or other purposes. Water is not uniformly distributed all around the watershed. In contrast to the diminishing resource, global demand for water is rising. Consumable water is the driving require of human civilization nowadays. Groundwater is recharged by constructing various soil and water conservation structures in watershed is possible if one can identify ground water potential zones by using state of art technology. Groundwater pulled back for rural, metropolitan and mechanical utilize by developing and working extraction wells. The review related to Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of Watershed Using Remote Sensing and Geo-informatics is discussed in this paper.

Keywords : Watershed, Remote Sensing, Geo-informatics, Potential zones, Irrigation planning

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