Hypoglycemic Effect of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) in Diabetics

Authors : Amna Azam, Nizwa Itrat, Uswa Ahmed.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2Wm5Qlo

Abstract : Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a functional food and one of the ancient cultivated cereal grains in the world. Many potential benefits have been linked to intake of barley as it contains pharmaceutical properties. Barley aids in lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and for the promotion of weight loss. Barley contains fiber in significantly high quantity (about 15.6 g/100g). The present study is devised to investigate the effect of barley on postprandial blood glucose response in diabetics. The research study was conducted on 20 individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Subjects were divided into two groups: G0 and G1; with G0 being the control group (0g barley diet) while G1 group being the experimental group (100g barley diet).

Keywords : Barley, Beta Glucan, Postprandial Blood Glucose Level, Porridge, Diabetics.

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a functional food and one of the ancient cultivated cereal grains in the world. Many potential benefits have been linked to intake of barley as it contains pharmaceutical properties. Barley aids in lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and for the promotion of weight loss. Barley contains fiber in significantly high quantity (about 15.6 g/100g). The present study is devised to investigate the effect of barley on postprandial blood glucose response in diabetics. The research study was conducted on 20 individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Subjects were divided into two groups: G0 and G1; with G0 being the control group (0g barley diet) while G1 group being the experimental group (100g barley diet).

Keywords : Barley, Beta Glucan, Postprandial Blood Glucose Level, Porridge, Diabetics.

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