Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multicore Systems

Authors : Srinath Bheemaraju; Teja Sri Venkat Saidhar Movva; Priyadharshini S; Gayathri Nair, Engineer; Chandravardhana Kuluru

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/482zhe94

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAY458

Abstract : Multicore systems have gained significant importance in the Automotive industry due to data- intensive applications, such as image processing, high- speed process, and GPS application. It enables manufacturers to build smaller chips, simplifying board architecture and routing, reducing power consumption and cost and increasing programmability. Multicore platforms are segregated into two categories namely Homogeneous (symmetric) and Heterogeneous (asymmetric) multicore systems. In Homogeneous systems, all cores are the same, including frequencies, cache sizes and functions. In Heterogeneous systems, different cores operate with different frequencies, cache sizes and functions. In this paper, we are going to discuss various aspects of homogeneous and heterogeneous multicore architectures like number and level of caches, interconnection of the cores, Physical and Temporal isolation, Energy Efficiency, Concurrency, Performance, Reliability and Robustness along with the evaluation of these two architectures for applications based on the above-mentioned aspects.

Keywords : Multicore System, ADAS, Automotive, Homogeneous, Heterogeneous, System on Chip, Communication, Interconnect bus, CoreConnect, AMBA, Wishbone, OS scheduling, Energy efficiency, Performance, Isolation, Temporal, Physical, Concurrency.

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Multicore systems have gained significant importance in the Automotive industry due to data- intensive applications, such as image processing, high- speed process, and GPS application. It enables manufacturers to build smaller chips, simplifying board architecture and routing, reducing power consumption and cost and increasing programmability. Multicore platforms are segregated into two categories namely Homogeneous (symmetric) and Heterogeneous (asymmetric) multicore systems. In Homogeneous systems, all cores are the same, including frequencies, cache sizes and functions. In Heterogeneous systems, different cores operate with different frequencies, cache sizes and functions. In this paper, we are going to discuss various aspects of homogeneous and heterogeneous multicore architectures like number and level of caches, interconnection of the cores, Physical and Temporal isolation, Energy Efficiency, Concurrency, Performance, Reliability and Robustness along with the evaluation of these two architectures for applications based on the above-mentioned aspects.

Keywords : Multicore System, ADAS, Automotive, Homogeneous, Heterogeneous, System on Chip, Communication, Interconnect bus, CoreConnect, AMBA, Wishbone, OS scheduling, Energy efficiency, Performance, Isolation, Temporal, Physical, Concurrency.

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