Hepatotoxicity of Farm Produce from Recently Remediated Crude Oil Polluted Site Amended Using Formulated Agrowastes

Authors : Olua, V; Wegwu, M.O; Nwaichi, E.O;

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3jFn0nG

Abstract : Crude oil and petroleum products’ environmental contamination has become a major public health concern, especially as no 100% clean up technology is known and locals keep cultivating food crops around recovered farm land barely immediately without due knowledge of toxic nature of harvested farm produce. This study examined acute hepatotoxicity effect of farm produce from a recently remediated crude oil polluted site amended using formulated agro-wastes. Thirty five (35) wistar albino rats were placed in seven groups with five rats each in this study. Group A received feed and water only, groups B and C received 1000mgkg-1 of Telfaria occidentalis and Talinum triangulare from unpolluted soil respectively, groups E and F received 1000mgkg-1 of T. occidentalis and T. triangulare from polluted but amended soil respectively, while groups D and G received 500mgkg1 each of T. occidentalis and T. triangulare from unpolluted and polluted but amended soil respectively for two weeks. Liver markers assay and liver histopathological evaluations were done using standard laboratory methods on sampled Wistar rats. Results revealed absence of hepatotoxicity from groups E to G, with AST (9.50±0.12 to 17.50±0.12 IU/l), ALT (10.00±1.44 to 14.5±0.23IU/l), ALP (136.50±0.12 to 118.50±0.12 IU/l), total protein (61.87±0.01 to 78.52±0.06 g/l) and Total Bilirubin (6.00±0.58 to 9.46±0.06 µmol/l) at levels not significantly different from the control @ p ≤ 0.05 for groups E to G. This is suggestive that the sampled plants were devoid of probable acute hepatotoxicity effects on these experimental animals. This finding therefore indicates that the agro-waste formulation used for the bioremediation could be a green pathway in bioremediation technology.

Keywords : Hepatotoxicity, Talinum triangulare, Telfaria Occidentalis, Wistar Rats, Crude Oil Pollution.

Crude oil and petroleum products’ environmental contamination has become a major public health concern, especially as no 100% clean up technology is known and locals keep cultivating food crops around recovered farm land barely immediately without due knowledge of toxic nature of harvested farm produce. This study examined acute hepatotoxicity effect of farm produce from a recently remediated crude oil polluted site amended using formulated agro-wastes. Thirty five (35) wistar albino rats were placed in seven groups with five rats each in this study. Group A received feed and water only, groups B and C received 1000mgkg-1 of Telfaria occidentalis and Talinum triangulare from unpolluted soil respectively, groups E and F received 1000mgkg-1 of T. occidentalis and T. triangulare from polluted but amended soil respectively, while groups D and G received 500mgkg1 each of T. occidentalis and T. triangulare from unpolluted and polluted but amended soil respectively for two weeks. Liver markers assay and liver histopathological evaluations were done using standard laboratory methods on sampled Wistar rats. Results revealed absence of hepatotoxicity from groups E to G, with AST (9.50±0.12 to 17.50±0.12 IU/l), ALT (10.00±1.44 to 14.5±0.23IU/l), ALP (136.50±0.12 to 118.50±0.12 IU/l), total protein (61.87±0.01 to 78.52±0.06 g/l) and Total Bilirubin (6.00±0.58 to 9.46±0.06 µmol/l) at levels not significantly different from the control @ p ≤ 0.05 for groups E to G. This is suggestive that the sampled plants were devoid of probable acute hepatotoxicity effects on these experimental animals. This finding therefore indicates that the agro-waste formulation used for the bioremediation could be a green pathway in bioremediation technology.

Keywords : Hepatotoxicity, Talinum triangulare, Telfaria Occidentalis, Wistar Rats, Crude Oil Pollution.

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