Authors :
ordan Syah; Imam Sutrisno; Mohamad Hakam
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Charoen Pokphand Company is the one of
the largest companys in Indonesia. At Charoen
Pokphand company there are several critical areas in
production, Feed mill area which is the core prosess on
animal feed production, Warehouse area is a place to
store raw materials before and after the production
process. Production process on Charoen Pokphand
company cannot be separated from Hazards and
accident risk. Occupational Safety Program needed to
reduce and control Hazard before accident happened.
Boiler are important part of the process, and have a
significant risk if the boiler failure and will impact on
other process. Hazard Identification uses HAZOP
method was chosen to reduce hazard, this method can
review process or operations systematicly and can
determine control in the process and reduce risk also.
From this study has results of the risk asassment using
Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (HAZOP)
method, its found that there are 72 deviations which are
categories in a 21 deviation are medium risk, 2
deviation high risk category shown that red colour. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Keywords :
Accident;Hazard Operability Analysis; Risk Asassment;Charoen Pokphand; Risk Ranking Safety
Charoen Pokphand Company is the one of
the largest companys in Indonesia. At Charoen
Pokphand company there are several critical areas in
production, Feed mill area which is the core prosess on
animal feed production, Warehouse area is a place to
store raw materials before and after the production
process. Production process on Charoen Pokphand
company cannot be separated from Hazards and
accident risk. Occupational Safety Program needed to
reduce and control Hazard before accident happened.
Boiler are important part of the process, and have a
significant risk if the boiler failure and will impact on
other process. Hazard Identification uses HAZOP
method was chosen to reduce hazard, this method can
review process or operations systematicly and can
determine control in the process and reduce risk also.
From this study has results of the risk asassment using
Hazard and Operability Study Analysis (HAZOP)
method, its found that there are 72 deviations which are
categories in a 21 deviation are medium risk, 2
deviation high risk category shown that red colour. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Keywords :
Accident;Hazard Operability Analysis; Risk Asassment;Charoen Pokphand; Risk Ranking Safety