Halal Label: Is it Important on Foreign Food Product?

Authors : Fachrul Husain Habibie, Amalia Mustika, Lestari Ningrum

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 11 - November

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2sVna2D

Abstract : Indonesia is an appealing market to advertise a product, with the result of being flooded by local products as well as foreign products, so for the last few years, halal food has become one of the key elements for preservation and consolidation of the halal tourism destination. As for this research is to find out and analyze the importance of halal label in a foreign food product. The method used in this research is a descriptive survey with a qualitative and quantitative approach, data collection technique by giving 100 respondents a questionnaire. Sample collecting using Random method sampling. The analysis data method used is a descriptive statistic, frequency. The result of the research is 66 female respondents and 34 male respondents. Respondents obtained foreign product information mainly from social media with a total percentage of 59%. Halal label on a foreign food product guaranteed the food to be halal 38,9%, so the presence of the halal label on a food product is very important.

Keywords : Halal Label, Foreign Food Products.

Indonesia is an appealing market to advertise a product, with the result of being flooded by local products as well as foreign products, so for the last few years, halal food has become one of the key elements for preservation and consolidation of the halal tourism destination. As for this research is to find out and analyze the importance of halal label in a foreign food product. The method used in this research is a descriptive survey with a qualitative and quantitative approach, data collection technique by giving 100 respondents a questionnaire. Sample collecting using Random method sampling. The analysis data method used is a descriptive statistic, frequency. The result of the research is 66 female respondents and 34 male respondents. Respondents obtained foreign product information mainly from social media with a total percentage of 59%. Halal label on a foreign food product guaranteed the food to be halal 38,9%, so the presence of the halal label on a food product is very important.

Keywords : Halal Label, Foreign Food Products.

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