GPS/DNA Elephant Survey: Nigeria Case Study OML 11 and OML 52 Ikuru NDES Study Zone

Authors : Nte, F.U. , Were J.I.R.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Physics the fundamental Science, have widespread application in field monitoring, satellite imagery, Global positioning system, GPS tracking, medical diagnosis through Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for mineral exploration, Ultra-scan and diagnostic radiology for the medical sciences. The attempt this time is to introduce the use of GPS/DNA in the study of wildlife census and migration, in the oil and gas exploitation field of Nigeria. This is using the Andoni elephants as case study. The process involve picking the dungs or sand of the foot print and analyzing for DNA. The study astonishing reveal that while the other traditional method of observation recorded the elephant population to be 40 herbs ±5, by the Staowood (1981). The DNA study record is 9 herbs ±2 in 2002 speedy under pronatural Nigeria. A correlation with Bebort claim of his visits to Ilotombia Andoni in July 1700 shows the elephants takes off from March each year in the East Ikuru and migrates through the 27km length “124km2” Ngo barear island to reach Ilotobi in the west by July-August and takes a return journey back Ikuru in November. This correlates with the Yankari games migration experience, following seasonal watershed.

Physics the fundamental Science, have widespread application in field monitoring, satellite imagery, Global positioning system, GPS tracking, medical diagnosis through Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for mineral exploration, Ultra-scan and diagnostic radiology for the medical sciences. The attempt this time is to introduce the use of GPS/DNA in the study of wildlife census and migration, in the oil and gas exploitation field of Nigeria. This is using the Andoni elephants as case study. The process involve picking the dungs or sand of the foot print and analyzing for DNA. The study astonishing reveal that while the other traditional method of observation recorded the elephant population to be 40 herbs ±5, by the Staowood (1981). The DNA study record is 9 herbs ±2 in 2002 speedy under pronatural Nigeria. A correlation with Bebort claim of his visits to Ilotombia Andoni in July 1700 shows the elephants takes off from March each year in the East Ikuru and migrates through the 27km length “124km2” Ngo barear island to reach Ilotobi in the west by July-August and takes a return journey back Ikuru in November. This correlates with the Yankari games migration experience, following seasonal watershed.

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