Governing System for Rule Breaking Vehicle at Traffic Signal

Authors : Smita Chavan, Kajal Bhosale, P. I. Kinikar.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : Nowadays, traffic congestion is a major problem in cities of developing countries like India because of the increasing number of vehicles. As result traffic is becoming one of the important problems in big cities and urban areas all over the world. The existing traffic lights follow the static traffic control mechanism. These lights are called static traffic lights. So, we propose a dynamic traffic control system using RFID. In this, each individual vehicle is equipped with the special radio frequency identification (RFID) tag to track the vehicle and we use RFID reader to read the RFID tags attached to the vehicle’s windshield.

Nowadays, traffic congestion is a major problem in cities of developing countries like India because of the increasing number of vehicles. As result traffic is becoming one of the important problems in big cities and urban areas all over the world. The existing traffic lights follow the static traffic control mechanism. These lights are called static traffic lights. So, we propose a dynamic traffic control system using RFID. In this, each individual vehicle is equipped with the special radio frequency identification (RFID) tag to track the vehicle and we use RFID reader to read the RFID tags attached to the vehicle’s windshield.

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