Gender Differences in the Academic Performance of Students in Senior Secondary School Mathematics

Authors : TARFA Fredrick Salvia; DIKE Chinyere Ogochukwu

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : This study examined Gender Differences in the Academic Performance of Students in Senior Secondary School Mathematics. The population of the study comprises eighteen (18) Senior Secondary Schools in Yola North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria who registered and sat for General Mathematics at West African Senior Secondary Schools Examination (WASSCE) for the period of five (5) years 2013 – 2017. Six (6) mixed schools were sampled out of the population of the study with a total number of three thousand seven hundred and sixty four (3764) students of which two thousand one hundred and sixty (2160) students representing 57.4% of the sampled population are male students and one thousand six hundred and four (1604) students representing 42.6% of the sampled population are female students. A simple random sampling technique was used in the selection of the six (6) sampled schools. An expo facto design was adopted for this study. Simple percentages and T-test analysis were used for the data analysis. The analysis essentially involves the statistical testing of the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level which form the basis for the acceptance or rejection of each null hypothesis stated. The study revealed that the distribution of performance of male and female students in Mathematics in the period sampled for the study varies as it kept changing over the years examined. It shows that less than 50% of the students who sat for West African Senior Secondary Schools Examination (WASSCE) Mathematics over the years had credit pass A1 – C6. This means that there is a significant difference in gender based academic performances of students in Mathematics in the selected sampled schools in the period examined for the study. The study recommends that female students ought to be admonished to approach science subjects especially Mathematics without inferiority complex to the male students.

Keywords : Academic Performance, Gender Difference, Mathematics, Student

This study examined Gender Differences in the Academic Performance of Students in Senior Secondary School Mathematics. The population of the study comprises eighteen (18) Senior Secondary Schools in Yola North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria who registered and sat for General Mathematics at West African Senior Secondary Schools Examination (WASSCE) for the period of five (5) years 2013 – 2017. Six (6) mixed schools were sampled out of the population of the study with a total number of three thousand seven hundred and sixty four (3764) students of which two thousand one hundred and sixty (2160) students representing 57.4% of the sampled population are male students and one thousand six hundred and four (1604) students representing 42.6% of the sampled population are female students. A simple random sampling technique was used in the selection of the six (6) sampled schools. An expo facto design was adopted for this study. Simple percentages and T-test analysis were used for the data analysis. The analysis essentially involves the statistical testing of the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level which form the basis for the acceptance or rejection of each null hypothesis stated. The study revealed that the distribution of performance of male and female students in Mathematics in the period sampled for the study varies as it kept changing over the years examined. It shows that less than 50% of the students who sat for West African Senior Secondary Schools Examination (WASSCE) Mathematics over the years had credit pass A1 – C6. This means that there is a significant difference in gender based academic performances of students in Mathematics in the selected sampled schools in the period examined for the study. The study recommends that female students ought to be admonished to approach science subjects especially Mathematics without inferiority complex to the male students.

Keywords : Academic Performance, Gender Difference, Mathematics, Student

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