Gastric GIST Treatment by Laparoscopy: Report of 49 Cases and Literature’s Review

Authors : Syed haris; Iqbal saleem; Abdul hamid; Arshad Rashid; Rifat Ara; Ruqaya Akhther; Neha Sharma.

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Various aspects of the feasibility of laparoscopic resection of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST’s) is being debated. In this paper problems of minimally invasive resection of gastric GIST is being described and compares this experience with an extensive literature review. Study design: In a prospective study between Jan 2012 to Aug 2022,49 consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic resection of gastric GIST were enrolled. On PubMed literature review of laparoscopic treatment was performed. Using chi square test and t student evaluation statistical analysis was done. Results: 49 patients, mean age 50yrs , were submitted to laparoscopic wedge-segmental gastric resections. Mean tumor size was 4cm .4 days was mean hospital stay .150 min was mean operative time.100 ml was mean blood loss. No operative complications or mortalities were reported. Negative resection margins were reported in all lesions. All patients were disease free at a mean follow up of 35 months , disease free without long term morbidity related to gastric resection. Length of stay, morbidity, mortality, and oncological outcomes were comparable to open surgery retrospective evaluation. Conclusions: Laparoscopic resection is safe and effective in treating gastric GISTS as found in literature review. Minimally invasive approach should be the preferred surgical treatment in patients with small and medium sized gastric GIST’S, given these findings as well as the advantages afforded by laparoscopic surgery

Keywords : GIST. Surgery. Laparoscopy

Various aspects of the feasibility of laparoscopic resection of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST’s) is being debated. In this paper problems of minimally invasive resection of gastric GIST is being described and compares this experience with an extensive literature review. Study design: In a prospective study between Jan 2012 to Aug 2022,49 consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic resection of gastric GIST were enrolled. On PubMed literature review of laparoscopic treatment was performed. Using chi square test and t student evaluation statistical analysis was done. Results: 49 patients, mean age 50yrs , were submitted to laparoscopic wedge-segmental gastric resections. Mean tumor size was 4cm .4 days was mean hospital stay .150 min was mean operative time.100 ml was mean blood loss. No operative complications or mortalities were reported. Negative resection margins were reported in all lesions. All patients were disease free at a mean follow up of 35 months , disease free without long term morbidity related to gastric resection. Length of stay, morbidity, mortality, and oncological outcomes were comparable to open surgery retrospective evaluation. Conclusions: Laparoscopic resection is safe and effective in treating gastric GISTS as found in literature review. Minimally invasive approach should be the preferred surgical treatment in patients with small and medium sized gastric GIST’S, given these findings as well as the advantages afforded by laparoscopic surgery

Keywords : GIST. Surgery. Laparoscopy

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