Functionality of Google Maps and Parameter-based Efficient Eateries route Detection

Authors : Vedant Wagh; Ayush Vishwakarma

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Google Map has been giving us the best results as promised since 2007 without ever failing. It also keeps upgrading the data and eventually integrated my location service. However, occasionally Google Map does not function as intended when displaying the quickest routes. It's because the geospatial data isn't updated frequently. It takes a certain amount of time to update the data. Here, we've spoken about how it occasionally malfunctions and how it provides us with a route that accurately forecasts the outcome. In order to tackle the challenge of identifying a destination using approximation parameters, we reviewed the Google Maps technique in this study and suggested a system. The issue is that if we want to locate a restaurant from source S that is decent and has average costs, the map should provide the path of the restaurant that is not the closest but effective by taking into account factors like the restaurant bill, distance, travel costs, service time, etc.

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Google Map has been giving us the best results as promised since 2007 without ever failing. It also keeps upgrading the data and eventually integrated my location service. However, occasionally Google Map does not function as intended when displaying the quickest routes. It's because the geospatial data isn't updated frequently. It takes a certain amount of time to update the data. Here, we've spoken about how it occasionally malfunctions and how it provides us with a route that accurately forecasts the outcome. In order to tackle the challenge of identifying a destination using approximation parameters, we reviewed the Google Maps technique in this study and suggested a system. The issue is that if we want to locate a restaurant from source S that is decent and has average costs, the map should provide the path of the restaurant that is not the closest but effective by taking into account factors like the restaurant bill, distance, travel costs, service time, etc.

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