From the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Access Health Care for a Newborn, Child and Pregnant Woman under Congolese Law: A Decentralized and Structured Violence Health Equity in the North Kivu Division' Health System, DRC

Authors : Lévis Kahandukya Nyavanda , Susan Bartels , Jane Mumma , Kambale Karafuli Leopold , Jean-Bosco Kahindo Mbeva.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : In many legislative document of DR Congo, many laws have violate the rights and women health equity. That is why this study has purpose to advocate pregnant women’s access to maternity healthcare starting at community level. For legal evidence, in DR Congo, according to the legislation, article N0 87 clause 010 of the 1st August 1987 on Family code, polygamy or polyandrous marriage is not recognised. But a number of health related to pregnant women problems occurred in most of single motherhoods. The below analysis starts on nuptiality and pregnancy complication risks, and show equity in interventions in the North Kivu Hospitals. For each woman who succumbs to maternal death, many more will suffer injuries, infections, and disabilities brought about by pregnancy or childbirth complications, such as obstetric fistula.

Keywords : DR Congo, Congolese Law, Clinic CommunityBased Description, Protection, Health Equity, Right To Health, Access To Primary Health Care, Structured Violence, Vertical Equity, Horizontal Equity, Health Prevention Strategies.

In many legislative document of DR Congo, many laws have violate the rights and women health equity. That is why this study has purpose to advocate pregnant women’s access to maternity healthcare starting at community level. For legal evidence, in DR Congo, according to the legislation, article N0 87 clause 010 of the 1st August 1987 on Family code, polygamy or polyandrous marriage is not recognised. But a number of health related to pregnant women problems occurred in most of single motherhoods. The below analysis starts on nuptiality and pregnancy complication risks, and show equity in interventions in the North Kivu Hospitals. For each woman who succumbs to maternal death, many more will suffer injuries, infections, and disabilities brought about by pregnancy or childbirth complications, such as obstetric fistula.

Keywords : DR Congo, Congolese Law, Clinic CommunityBased Description, Protection, Health Equity, Right To Health, Access To Primary Health Care, Structured Violence, Vertical Equity, Horizontal Equity, Health Prevention Strategies.

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