Feasibility of Siravydha Procedure to Manage Pain Quotient in a Single Case of Gridhrasi (SCIATICA)

Authors : Dr. Mukund Dhule; Dr. Pradeep G. Desai

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3TmGbDi

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/4vuaxbtv

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8210488

Abstract : Gridhrasi (Sciatica) is one of the most frequent health conditions associated with vatavyadhi that we frequently handle. Its characteristic symptoms include burning, stinging, or numbness in the leg, foot, thigh, or buttocks. It might or might not have anything to do with back pain. Both physically inactive and physically demanding patient types appear to be affected by gridhrasi. The Chikitsasutra of Gridhrasi contains statements about Siravyadha made by Charya Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhatta Yogratnakara, and Bhela.. A well- performed siravyadha provides lightness in the painful places of the body, a decrease in pain, a lessening of vyadhi intensity, and a positive outlook. Siravyadha is usually employed when a disorder has a conspicuously painful sign. A study was conducted to evaluate siravyadha's efficiency in Gridharasi. The goal of the study was to ascertain how effectively Siravyadha regulates Gridhrasi's pain quotient. After the detection of drava snigdha yavagu pana, sthanika snehana, swedana, and samyak stravit lakshanas in a single subject, Siravydha was carried out.. The pain quotient was assessed using a scoring system and VAS before the siravyadha procedure and immediately after the procedure. Siravyadha was feasible enough to provide reduction in pain symptom of Gridhrasi.

Keywords : Sciatica, Stambha, Toda, Spandana, Gridhrasi, Siravyadha, Pain, VAS.

Gridhrasi (Sciatica) is one of the most frequent health conditions associated with vatavyadhi that we frequently handle. Its characteristic symptoms include burning, stinging, or numbness in the leg, foot, thigh, or buttocks. It might or might not have anything to do with back pain. Both physically inactive and physically demanding patient types appear to be affected by gridhrasi. The Chikitsasutra of Gridhrasi contains statements about Siravyadha made by Charya Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhatta Yogratnakara, and Bhela.. A well- performed siravyadha provides lightness in the painful places of the body, a decrease in pain, a lessening of vyadhi intensity, and a positive outlook. Siravyadha is usually employed when a disorder has a conspicuously painful sign. A study was conducted to evaluate siravyadha's efficiency in Gridharasi. The goal of the study was to ascertain how effectively Siravyadha regulates Gridhrasi's pain quotient. After the detection of drava snigdha yavagu pana, sthanika snehana, swedana, and samyak stravit lakshanas in a single subject, Siravydha was carried out.. The pain quotient was assessed using a scoring system and VAS before the siravyadha procedure and immediately after the procedure. Siravyadha was feasible enough to provide reduction in pain symptom of Gridhrasi.

Keywords : Sciatica, Stambha, Toda, Spandana, Gridhrasi, Siravyadha, Pain, VAS.


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