Authors :
Darline Kc Ramos Movilla
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
Google Scholar :
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Abstract :
Job performance is the measure of how
effectively an individual completes their job duties and
contributes to their organization's goals. This study aims
to identify the factors affecting the job performance of
personnel at the Holy Spirit Police Station. Specifically, it
examines personal and professional factors, work-related
matters, and environment-related factors. Additionally,
the study analyzes if there is a significant difference in
how these factors influence job performance, and from
the findings, proposes a framework that can contribute to
the body of knowledge in this field. This study used
quantitative method through descriptive research design,
through purposive sampling, one hundred thirty-eight
personnel of Holy Spirit Police Station located at St.
Joseph, St. Corner, San Simon, St, Brgy Holy Spirit,
Quezon City were chosen as respondents. Results showed
that officers’ effectiveness at work is greatly impacted by
their overall well-being. Issues such as discrimination,
inconvenient work areas, poor ventilation, and
inadequate equipment are identified as challenges in
doing duties. Further, problems include a lack of support
from the community, agencies, and barangay, as well as
inadequate help from private groups. However, study
shows that there is no significant difference on the
assessment of respondents in terms of the three mentioned
components. With the end view the research proposes a
framework to further enhance the job performance of
PNP personnel .
Keywords :
Environment-Related Matter, Job Performance, Personal Factors, Professional Factors, Work-Related Matter.
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Job performance is the measure of how
effectively an individual completes their job duties and
contributes to their organization's goals. This study aims
to identify the factors affecting the job performance of
personnel at the Holy Spirit Police Station. Specifically, it
examines personal and professional factors, work-related
matters, and environment-related factors. Additionally,
the study analyzes if there is a significant difference in
how these factors influence job performance, and from
the findings, proposes a framework that can contribute to
the body of knowledge in this field. This study used
quantitative method through descriptive research design,
through purposive sampling, one hundred thirty-eight
personnel of Holy Spirit Police Station located at St.
Joseph, St. Corner, San Simon, St, Brgy Holy Spirit,
Quezon City were chosen as respondents. Results showed
that officers’ effectiveness at work is greatly impacted by
their overall well-being. Issues such as discrimination,
inconvenient work areas, poor ventilation, and
inadequate equipment are identified as challenges in
doing duties. Further, problems include a lack of support
from the community, agencies, and barangay, as well as
inadequate help from private groups. However, study
shows that there is no significant difference on the
assessment of respondents in terms of the three mentioned
components. With the end view the research proposes a
framework to further enhance the job performance of
PNP personnel .
Keywords :
Environment-Related Matter, Job Performance, Personal Factors, Professional Factors, Work-Related Matter.