Exploring the Levels of Social Media Addiction among Working and Non-Working Women within Mumbai and its Metropolitan Areas.

Authors : DhwaniKataria

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3B67gTN

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7041693

Abstract : Social networking has become the need of the hour, especially amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic.The distinguishing feature of this media is the two-way, immediate communication it provides in contrast to other channels of traditional media like television and print, where interaction is only oneway.Due to these very advantages of the online world, having a presence on social media has become a rudimentary procedure for any organisation. This study was descriptive in nature and aimed at exploring the level of social networking addiction among working and non-working women in the age group of 40 - 45 years in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane by the use of the social networking addiction scale given by M.G. Shahnawaz and Usama Rehman. The sample comprised of 298 participants. The findings of the study provideda rather interesting inference whichindicated a low level of addiction among working and non-working women. Overall these findings suggest that although the addiction level in this age group is lower, there are also no such significant differences seen between the addiction level of working and non-working women.

Keywords : Social media addiction, working, non-working, women, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane.

Social networking has become the need of the hour, especially amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic.The distinguishing feature of this media is the two-way, immediate communication it provides in contrast to other channels of traditional media like television and print, where interaction is only oneway.Due to these very advantages of the online world, having a presence on social media has become a rudimentary procedure for any organisation. This study was descriptive in nature and aimed at exploring the level of social networking addiction among working and non-working women in the age group of 40 - 45 years in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane by the use of the social networking addiction scale given by M.G. Shahnawaz and Usama Rehman. The sample comprised of 298 participants. The findings of the study provideda rather interesting inference whichindicated a low level of addiction among working and non-working women. Overall these findings suggest that although the addiction level in this age group is lower, there are also no such significant differences seen between the addiction level of working and non-working women.

Keywords : Social media addiction, working, non-working, women, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane.

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