Examining the Mathematical Difficulties of Students in Quadratic Equations: An Analytical Approach

Authors : Ackmed Chebli; Mohamed Alimanmy Samura

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14598604

Abstract : This study examines the mathematical difficulties faced by senior secondary school students in solving quadratic equations, employing a mix of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Key themes of difficulty were identified, including conceptual understanding, factorization, completing squares, and applying the quadratic formula. A sample of 200 students participated in a structured assessment, whose responses allowed for a detailed analysis of learning challenges. Chi- square tests were utilized to investigate significant differences in difficulties based on demographic variables, revealing notable trends among various school environments and student genders. The study highlights the complexity of teaching quadratic equations and suggests targeted interventions to improve student understanding and performance in this critical area of mathematics education.

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This study examines the mathematical difficulties faced by senior secondary school students in solving quadratic equations, employing a mix of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Key themes of difficulty were identified, including conceptual understanding, factorization, completing squares, and applying the quadratic formula. A sample of 200 students participated in a structured assessment, whose responses allowed for a detailed analysis of learning challenges. Chi- square tests were utilized to investigate significant differences in difficulties based on demographic variables, revealing notable trends among various school environments and student genders. The study highlights the complexity of teaching quadratic equations and suggests targeted interventions to improve student understanding and performance in this critical area of mathematics education.

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