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Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Bacterial wilt, caused by Xanthomonas
campestris pv . musacearum , threatens banana production in
the tropical and intertropical zone of Africa, where this crop
plays a very crucial role in food and socioeconomic security.
South Kivu located in the East of the Democratic Republic
of Congo is particularly affected, which compromises the
livelihoods of local communities. Factors such as poor
climatic conditions and infrastructure exacerbate the
situation. In this study, we evaluate existing control
strategies to reduce the impact of the disease. The study is
based on a systematic review of academic documents and
institutional reports. It analyzes bacterial wilt management
strategies , their effectiveness and the actors involved. The
strategies include chemical treatments, the introduction of
resistant varieties, biological methods, and integrated
disease management. Although chemical treatments offer
short-term control, they have long-term limitations.
Resistant varieties and biological methods have shown
potential, but their adoption is hampered by economic and
logistical obstacles. Integrated disease management shows
promise but requires increased collaboration among local
stakeholders. Recommendations include improving research,
access to resistant varieties, optimizing organic methods,
strengthening integrated management practices, and better
financial and institutional support for farmers. These actions
should strengthen the fight against bacterial wilt and ensure
food security in the region.
Keywords :
Efficiency, Strategy, Banana Bacterial Wilt.
References :
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- Makule , E., & Nguema , T. (2017). Banana production systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and opportunities. African Journal of Food Security, 19 (1), 34-42.
- Nchinda , R., Taku , M., & Ndiangui , C. (2021). Integrated management of bacterial wilt in banana plantations in Africa. International Journal of Agricultural Science, 15 (3), 267-276.
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Bacterial wilt, caused by Xanthomonas
campestris pv . musacearum , threatens banana production in
the tropical and intertropical zone of Africa, where this crop
plays a very crucial role in food and socioeconomic security.
South Kivu located in the East of the Democratic Republic
of Congo is particularly affected, which compromises the
livelihoods of local communities. Factors such as poor
climatic conditions and infrastructure exacerbate the
situation. In this study, we evaluate existing control
strategies to reduce the impact of the disease. The study is
based on a systematic review of academic documents and
institutional reports. It analyzes bacterial wilt management
strategies , their effectiveness and the actors involved. The
strategies include chemical treatments, the introduction of
resistant varieties, biological methods, and integrated
disease management. Although chemical treatments offer
short-term control, they have long-term limitations.
Resistant varieties and biological methods have shown
potential, but their adoption is hampered by economic and
logistical obstacles. Integrated disease management shows
promise but requires increased collaboration among local
stakeholders. Recommendations include improving research,
access to resistant varieties, optimizing organic methods,
strengthening integrated management practices, and better
financial and institutional support for farmers. These actions
should strengthen the fight against bacterial wilt and ensure
food security in the region.
Keywords :
Efficiency, Strategy, Banana Bacterial Wilt.