Authors :
Raheem Monsurat A; Fadiji T. O; Ajah J; Raheem R. A; Zidafamor E. J; Dahir R; Ojo P. O
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
The study evaluated the adoption of improved
certified rice seeds (FARO 44) among local farmers in
Abuja. The objectives were to describe the socioeconomic characteristic of the respondents, evaluate the
level of awareness of certified rice seeds (FARO 44) by
the respondents, evaluate the adoption rate of certified
rice seeds (FARO 44) by the respondents, determine
farmers’ perceptions on the use of certified rice seeds
(FARO 44), and identify the constraints in adoption of
certified rice seeds (FARO 44) by the respondents.
Primary data was used for this study. Multi-stage
sampling technique was used to select the respondents
(small-holder farmers) needed for this study. A total of
270 rice farmers were sampled and used for the study.
The data elucidated was analyzed using both descriptive
and inferential statistics. From the result, 50.74% of the
farmers were male, 58.51% of the farmers were below 50
years old with a mean age of 47.37 years. The majority of
the farmers were married and educated with a mean
household size was about 5.88 persons and below 5 years
of experience in rice farming. The average farm size was
2.17 hectares, most (97.413%) of rice farmers in the
study area had no access to credit facilities, and had no
contact with an extension agent. About 58.74% of the
smallholder rice farmers belong to a cooperative society.
Majority (43.7%) of the respondents were highly aware
of certified seeds, 72.59% of the respondents said got
information from the annual field day of the National
Agricultural Seed Council. The adoption rate was
calculated to be 0.8444. 30.74% got their seeds from
Seed Regulatory Council (National Agricultural Seed
Council). The result of the logistic regression shows that
farming experience and membership of cooperative
society significantly affect the adoption of Faro 44 in the
study area. The study concluded that most the
respondents were highly aware of certified seeds, got
information from annual field day of National
Agricultural Seed Council, and the adoption rate was
calculated to be 0.8444. Based on the findings of the
study, it was recommended that the government through
extension agents should ensure that relevant information
are readily available to farmers, so that farmers will not
have to wait annually to get concrete information about
certified seed.
Keywords :
FARO 44, National Agricultural Seeds Council, certified seeds.
The study evaluated the adoption of improved
certified rice seeds (FARO 44) among local farmers in
Abuja. The objectives were to describe the socioeconomic characteristic of the respondents, evaluate the
level of awareness of certified rice seeds (FARO 44) by
the respondents, evaluate the adoption rate of certified
rice seeds (FARO 44) by the respondents, determine
farmers’ perceptions on the use of certified rice seeds
(FARO 44), and identify the constraints in adoption of
certified rice seeds (FARO 44) by the respondents.
Primary data was used for this study. Multi-stage
sampling technique was used to select the respondents
(small-holder farmers) needed for this study. A total of
270 rice farmers were sampled and used for the study.
The data elucidated was analyzed using both descriptive
and inferential statistics. From the result, 50.74% of the
farmers were male, 58.51% of the farmers were below 50
years old with a mean age of 47.37 years. The majority of
the farmers were married and educated with a mean
household size was about 5.88 persons and below 5 years
of experience in rice farming. The average farm size was
2.17 hectares, most (97.413%) of rice farmers in the
study area had no access to credit facilities, and had no
contact with an extension agent. About 58.74% of the
smallholder rice farmers belong to a cooperative society.
Majority (43.7%) of the respondents were highly aware
of certified seeds, 72.59% of the respondents said got
information from the annual field day of the National
Agricultural Seed Council. The adoption rate was
calculated to be 0.8444. 30.74% got their seeds from
Seed Regulatory Council (National Agricultural Seed
Council). The result of the logistic regression shows that
farming experience and membership of cooperative
society significantly affect the adoption of Faro 44 in the
study area. The study concluded that most the
respondents were highly aware of certified seeds, got
information from annual field day of National
Agricultural Seed Council, and the adoption rate was
calculated to be 0.8444. Based on the findings of the
study, it was recommended that the government through
extension agents should ensure that relevant information
are readily available to farmers, so that farmers will not
have to wait annually to get concrete information about
certified seed.
Keywords :
FARO 44, National Agricultural Seeds Council, certified seeds.