Evaluation of Safety Cases in The Domain of Automotive Engineering

Authors : Venkata Satya Rahul Kosuru; Ashwin Kavasseri Venkitaraman

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3BVZiM8

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7121708

Abstract : Manufacturers of automobiles have been under intense pressure from the demand laws and market needs to develop complex and feature-rich vehicles. Such kind of new functionality play an active role significantly in driving which is possessing new difficulties in ensuring the vehicle’s safety. The cases of safety primary constitute a technique proven to systematically utilize the information in existence about the system, its context of development and environment so that its safety can be shown. In this paper, there is presentation of a safety case construction for a vehicles cruise control system with the concentration on the automotives’ domain-specific models. In the study, there was identification of generic case modules of safety as well as several patterns which reoccur and will assist in the simplification of the future automotive safety cases development.

Keywords : Functional Safety, ASIL Integrity, Fault Mitagtion, Risk and Hazard Analysis and, Severity of exposure.

Manufacturers of automobiles have been under intense pressure from the demand laws and market needs to develop complex and feature-rich vehicles. Such kind of new functionality play an active role significantly in driving which is possessing new difficulties in ensuring the vehicle’s safety. The cases of safety primary constitute a technique proven to systematically utilize the information in existence about the system, its context of development and environment so that its safety can be shown. In this paper, there is presentation of a safety case construction for a vehicles cruise control system with the concentration on the automotives’ domain-specific models. In the study, there was identification of generic case modules of safety as well as several patterns which reoccur and will assist in the simplification of the future automotive safety cases development.

Keywords : Functional Safety, ASIL Integrity, Fault Mitagtion, Risk and Hazard Analysis and, Severity of exposure.

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