Evaluating the Determinants of Consumer Purchase Intention for Health Supplement Products: The Interplay of Brand Image, Product Quality, and Promotional Initiatives

Authors : Friencky Michael; Yunus Handoko; Ike Kusdyah Rachmawati

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/5h68xv6p

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/3fk5wuu5

DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL995

Abstract : Health is the most valuable asset in human life today and is the main foundation to support all activities. After the covid-19 pandemic changed the healthy lifestyle of the Indonesian people towards prevention by increasing the body's immune system in an easier way, namely by consuming health supplements. This phenomenon encourages the development of the circulation and use of health supplement products. Kimia Farma is the first pharmaceutical industry company in Indonesia with Fituno and Citamin as health supplement products produced by PT Kimia Farma, Tbk. Sales of fituno and citamin products at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta in April were higher than several other products. This study was conducted to determine the effect of brand image, product quality and promotion on purchasing decisions for health supplement products at the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta (case study on Kimia Farma health supplement products). Data was collected through distributing questionnaires (google Form) with non- probability sampling techniques in the form of purposive sampling of 75 respondents. The data analysis technique in this study is multiple linear analysis techniques processed using the SPSS 26.0 for Windows application. The results of the analysis show that, 1) brand image has a partial effect on purchasing decisions for health supplement products (farma chemical products) at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. 2) Product quality has a partial effect on purchasing decisions for health supplement products (farma chemical products) at the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. 3) Promotion has a partial effect on purchasing decisions for health supplement products (farma chemical products) at the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. 4) Brand Image, Product Quality, and Promotion simultaneously influence the decision to purchase health supplement products (farma chemical products) at the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

Keywords : Brand Image; Product Quality; Promotion; Purchase Decision.

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Health is the most valuable asset in human life today and is the main foundation to support all activities. After the covid-19 pandemic changed the healthy lifestyle of the Indonesian people towards prevention by increasing the body's immune system in an easier way, namely by consuming health supplements. This phenomenon encourages the development of the circulation and use of health supplement products. Kimia Farma is the first pharmaceutical industry company in Indonesia with Fituno and Citamin as health supplement products produced by PT Kimia Farma, Tbk. Sales of fituno and citamin products at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta in April were higher than several other products. This study was conducted to determine the effect of brand image, product quality and promotion on purchasing decisions for health supplement products at the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta (case study on Kimia Farma health supplement products). Data was collected through distributing questionnaires (google Form) with non- probability sampling techniques in the form of purposive sampling of 75 respondents. The data analysis technique in this study is multiple linear analysis techniques processed using the SPSS 26.0 for Windows application. The results of the analysis show that, 1) brand image has a partial effect on purchasing decisions for health supplement products (farma chemical products) at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. 2) Product quality has a partial effect on purchasing decisions for health supplement products (farma chemical products) at the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. 3) Promotion has a partial effect on purchasing decisions for health supplement products (farma chemical products) at the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. 4) Brand Image, Product Quality, and Promotion simultaneously influence the decision to purchase health supplement products (farma chemical products) at the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 01 Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

Keywords : Brand Image; Product Quality; Promotion; Purchase Decision.

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